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Sorry I hadn't updated yesterday I was just feeling overwhelmed

Thank you so much for 5500 readss 😭❤️

Anyways here's another chapter👹



Y/n's POV

Once we headed into the tower we saw other survey corps members

I found out that this specific tower was a supply tower and the reason that so many titans were headed in this direction was because so many people were taking cover in the tower

Apparently they also saw this Attack titan and they were taking cover from it..they also noticed something off about it

A few military police members were taking shelter underneath a table


In the supply tower were

And some other cadets from the training corps along with the MPs

I looked at everyone's petrified faces as they watched the titan Vs titans battle

The Attack titan seemed worn out from fighting all those titans and soon a large number of titans swarmed it

It let out a loud roar and it's eyes glowed to a very bright and vibrant shade of green

I seemed to be on a rampage and fought without any particular motives

Titan body parts began flying toward the tower causing it to violently shake
It seemed like we were going to have to get outta there as soon as possible

"Guys were going to have to make a quick escape by ODM gear because this tower doesn't look like it's going to hold up any longer but I'm out of gas is there some in the basement?"

On mentioning the basement everyone's faces darkened leaving Mikasa and I clueless


"Y/n we tried to go down there but some titans made their way in there. We're all out of gas and none of us can get down there without turning into titan food. We're gonna DIE"

Connie stated looking hopeless

I felt my heart drop to my stomach

We were in deep shit

First off the tower wasn't going to hold up for anywhere beyond an hour

And the rogue titan looked completely exhausted but still managed to put up a fight

That's when I spotted a bunch of guns that seemed to be fully loaded hung around the tower

Most likely put up for urgent situations

I immediately had an idea but the execution of this million dollar idea was going to be tough

I heard some zipping noise and that's when Armin flew into the tower closely missing a few titan mouths

He looked disheveled his eyes were red and puffy and he looked mortified

I silently felt sorrowful for him but there was no time for pity

Since Armin was the brains in any situation... I decide to pitch my idea to him

I told him about the basement titan situation and that the fully loaded guns were hung up around the entire tower as it seemed

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