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This is a harem, ok. NO negativity of any kind if you don't want to read this, then kindly leave. My sister said this was impossible but, I'm going to make it work!

Were starting at the very beginning on how this came to be... Also for the drama of this story I'm going to make All Might his biological father, and Izuku have a sister, but their not identical, his sister has all blond hair with a blue and green eye but more blue, while Izuku has a washed out green with bright emerald green eyes.

Warning long chapter a head. I plan to make this story long.


Izuku POV

At the doctors with his mom and dad (Inko and Yagi)

4 years old

Me, mommy and daddy was sitting in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor to call my name. I hummed a little tune in my head waiting and waiting.

"Izuku Yagi." A male doctor called me, I jumped out the seat as mommy helled my hand, we walked behind the doctor as he led us to a room.

"Please wait for the doctor, he'll be in a sec." He left soon after and the only sound was mommy and daddy on their phone. I just hummed a song I was thinking about, until there was a knock at the door. A doctor with a big mustache and glasses came in and sat on the rolling chair. 

"So the results came in, and Izuku is quirkless sorry." He said as he pity me, I don't want to be pitted on.

"How is that possible, we both have strong quirks? So how is that possible?" Mommy ask mad, it kinda scared me a bit, daddy wouldn't even look at me, but he was also mad. So I just looked down as the doctor explained why I didn't have a quirk.

"Ok thank you doctor, we'll be taking our leave, have a good day." Daddy said as we walked out the hospital and to the car.

I sat in the backseat of the car with my seat belt on staying quiet, since mommy and daddy still seemed mad.  

I can't tell Izuma, well even if she's at Uraraka's house. I can still try to be a hero, I don't need anyone's help.

We made it back home after picking up Izuma, who was telling mommy and daddy about what happened while she was at her friends house, they had happy faces when they looked at her. Why is it that they look at her, with eye of happiness, but when they look at me it's hate, and pity.

I walked into the house but my older sister stopped me. Mommy and daddy walked in ignoring me, and this awkward conversation.

"What's your quirk, I need to tell our friends, because remember the competition, we said whoever had the worst quirk, had to do whatever the group says. So what is it?" She asked. Ok even though she a year older then me, she sure acts more like a begging baby. But to answer this probably life changing question.

"Well you see, I don't have a quirk, the doctors said I'm quirkless." I said, it was quiet, she didn't say anything, but she had a annoyed face.

"B-But I can still be a hero, a-all I have to i-is try." I said determined.

"You can't be a hero if you don't have a quirk, it's impossible, you'll die even before you get on the battle field, you'll just be a liability and in everyone's way. So why don't you just give up that dream, I'm already mom and dad's favorite. They don't need you, your a waist of space." She said with so much venom, I don't know if it was the mean words she said or how she put it. 

But each word struck me, so hard I ran past her and to my room crying. Mommy and daddy didn't care but just watch me. It can't be true, I'm just living in a horrible dream, no nightmare and won't wake up. 

I'm just Izuku, nothing special, right?Where stories live. Discover now