Chapter 2

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I have just arrived at the airport it is 11pm so ima go to dunkin donuts
*at dunkin*
Dunkin worker-dw

Dw:Hey ma'am
Dw:What can I get you?
Ellie:*your drink order* and a iced donut please!
Dw:Ok go to the end add the counter I'll be there in 5!
Ellie:Ok thank you!
*6 mins later*
Dw:Hi here is your order! Have a lovely day bye!

You arrive at the security and go through and all that shit

It's now 11:25 so you message Bryce
Ellie:Hey my plane should arrive soon
Bryce:Ok I'll pick you up from the airport at 4am
Ellie:Bryce don't forget!
Bryce:I won't!

It has been 4 hours and I'm about to get off the plane as we just landed...

I get back through security and get to the parking lot I'm really cold so I call Bruce 5 times but he doesn't answer so I call and Uber and book a hotel for tonight until Bryce remembers about me ugh

It's 9:08am and I hear my phone blowing up when I check it it's Bryce so I answer it
Bryce:Hi I'm so sorry that I forgot about you!
You laugh then nod
Bryce:We're are you bunny?
Ellie:At hotspot hotel
Bryce:Great 15 mins away from us
Ellie:Yeah well my phone is on 5 so I gtg and get dressed
He leaves you on read so you get out off bed out your phone on charge then get dressed and post on insta

I go to sit at the chairs outside and wait for Bryce
I see his car pull up but he is with someone else...brown hair, blue eyes, skinny idk who it is but he is...JOSH! Yeah I met him once

Bryce:Hey kid!
Bryce:This is josh..Richards
Josh:It's nice to meet you!
They take my suitcase to the trunk off the car then we all get in the car
Driver:Bryce.      Passenger:Josh
And I was sitting in the middle at the back

*it was about 20 minutes later*
We arrived at the "sway house"
This was no surprise to Ellie as she has always lived in quite a large house all her life
Bryce:Ok so we will go through the back then after we have surprised griff we will bring your stuff to the room
Josh:We don't have any spare rooms?
Bryce:Yeah your gonna have to share with jaden,Ellie
Ellie:Ok as long as he is nice!
Josh:Yeah totally *he winks*
We all laugh then they drag me to the back off the house
Bryce whispers:Ok you go in the kitchen window I'll be there in 2 minutes
Bryce:Yes in now!
Ellie:Ugh I hate you sm
Josh:Wveryone hates him not a surprise
Josh:Well cmon!
Ellie starts to climb through the window as they run to the front door and open it

*griffins POV *
I see Bryce and josh walk through the door they looked...out of breath
Griffin:You good?
Bryce:Yeah we had a race from the the...the door!
Jaden:Bro yall red as a tomato
They all laugh
Bryce:I am going to get water brb

*bryces pov*
I walked into the kitchen and saw Ellie standing there
Bryce:cmon him and the boys are facing the opposite way they won't see you!
You all sneak up behind them when Ellie hugs Griffin he jumps away then sees who it is
you laugh as he runs round the lounge to you and lifts you off the floor

*ellies/Your POV*
Jaden:Griff you didn't tell us you had a girlfriend
Me and Griffin look at eachother and burst out laughing
Griffin:No...This is my sister...she is ugly asf
Jaden whispers:No she's hot asf
Ellie heared but pretended not to
Ellie:Hey I'm Ellie, griffins sister
Jaden:Hey I'm Jaden
???:Hey I'm Blake!
???:hey I'm Noah!
???:hi I'm kio
Griffin:Hey I'm Griffin never met you before who are you again?
You look at him causing everyone to laugh
Ellie:Anyways can I go and get my stuff now
Bryce:Yeah Jaden you go help as she is sharing a room with y-
Jaden got happy:With..Me???
Ellie:Yes now come with me
Jaden blushes and follows her to the unlocked car

*Jaden  POV*
Me and Ellie reached the car omg she is so hot
Omg I said that outloud
Jaden:Yeah cmon let's get your shit to my room

Nobody's POV
*8 hours later*
It's 5pm right now jaden and Ellie are in bed watching the note book but it just ended
Ellie:Ok now your turn to pick
Jaden smirked:Annabelle
Ellie:I hate horror movies!
Jaden:Really? I'll keep you safe(😏)
Ellie laughs then he puts annabelle on
It's half way through the movie and Ellie is practically in Jaden lmao
Jaden:Jeesh you want me that bad huh?
Ellie looks up in confusion
Jaden:I'm kidding!!
Ellie:Oh-I mean we only just met but I'm up for whatever 🤷‍♀️🤪

*little back story on Ellie, she likes people wayyy to fast for griffins liking*

Jaden laughs then looks done at her and smashes his lips on hers
She was shocked but kissed back for about 10 minutes when a jump scare comes on and she jumps on jaden knocking him in the nose
Jaden:Hey hey!! It was an accident calm down
Ellie:Are you sure?
Jaden:Yeah but it HURTS!
Ellie laughs:Want my special kisses?
Jaden nods and does puppy eyes
You kiss all over kiss nose then his forehead then his cheeks going down to his lips she stops
Jaden:Don't tease me!
You laugh
Ellie/you:I'm not...JADEN STOP TICKLING ME
After that Griffin walks in to me on top off jaden...

*Author note*
What do you think about it so far?
...How do you think Griffin will react?...
Word count:1036

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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