Chapter 3

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It was only 5:30 in the morning when I woke up and decided to go for a jog, mom and dad will be home around 9:00 am so I still have time. I got dressed, put my hair up on a high ponytail grabbed my ipod and earphones and headed to Mrs. Reed's room.

"Mrs. Reed, I'm off for a jog. I'll be back in a hour." I said to her so that she wouldn't worry as to where I was. 

I was nearing by the mediterranean house that I usually look at whenever I take my morning jog. I never actually knew who was living in that house but for the first time the gates were opening and a guy wearing a red hoodie came out. He turned around and I was surprised to see that it was Marcus, he smiled and walked towards me.

"Good morning Charlie! I'm surprised to see you so early" he said with a big smile on his face.

"I'm more suprised that you're the one living in that house. BTW, sorry if I turned down your offer for coffee." 

"That's okay. Well, now you know who lives here." he laughs. "I see your up for your morning jog, mind if I join you? "

"Sure. I could use a body guard." I said to him and smiled.

We barely noticed that it was almost 7:00 am since we were talking the whole time. Who would have thought that we lived on the same street. We stopped near the club house for a quick rest.

"So, uhm Charlie do you want to grab some breakfast?" Marcus asked shyly. 

"Sorry Marcus, but my parents are coming home today and I want to be there when they arrive. Maybe some other time?"

"Okay, but can I atleast walk you home?" he said as he was making his puppy dog face.

"You do know that you are going to pass by my house before getting to yours." I laughed and we started heading home.

I opened the door and Mrs. Reed was there to greet me good morning. She already made breakfast, waffles with nutella on top and orange juice. I finished my breakfast and headed to my room to take a bath, I was just too excited for mom and dad's arrival. 

"Mom! Dad!" I was suprised to see them in my room. I hugged them so tight for them to know just how much I miss them. "I thought you were going to arrive at 9:00 am?"

"We wanted to surprise you dear and we miss you so much" mom said while stroking my hair. "Your hair is quite long now and I don't recall you having bangs. You look good darling" 

I blushed as mom mentioned my bangs, I forgot to tell her about it. "Thanks mom. You and dad look great ans as for me, I'm covered in sweat"

Dad laughed at my statement and told mom that they should go so that I can have a shower. "We'll meet you down stairs darling." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and he and mom headed down stairs. 

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, I was just so happy to see my parents home. I took a shower immediately got dressed and headed downstairs to meet them. They were waiting in the living room and on the glass table there were 2 boxes wrapped in pink bows. I gave them both a kiss on the cheek and sat between them.

"Who are these for?" I asked them with a huge smile on my face. They simply smiled at me and waited for me to open their gifts. I opened the boxes, the first box contained a very cute white jacket and the second box contained a silver charm bracelet. "OMG! thank you. I just love the bracelet and the jacket is simply adorable. Thank you mom. thank you dad." 

"Your welcome dear, we're glad that you like them" dad said while putting his arm on mom's shoulder. "I hope you don't have any plans for today dear cause the three of us will be spending time together."

 The day passed by so quickly, we were having a lot of fun. We went to the theme park and rode almost every ride possible. I missed my parents so much and I can see just how much they missed me as well. We had dinner at my favorite pizza place and decided to go for dessert and coffee afterwards. 

"Darling wake up. Were home" I opened my eyes upon hearing mom's voice. Dad was already pulling up at our drive way and Mrs. Reed was by the door waiting for our arrival. "I had so much fun today. Thank you mom. Thank you dad."

Wanting to get some sleep, I kissed my parents good night and headed to my room. I took a quick bath just to freshen my self up before sleeping, I put on my purple pj's, brushed my hair and prepared my bed. Just as I was about to lie down my phone rings, I got up to look at my phone since I barely touched it for the whole day. 24 messages and 5 missed calls and tge latest one is from Marcus.

"Up for another jog tomorrow? Will be waiting outside your house at 6. :)" I don't know why but somehow I was kinda excited to see him again. "We'll see. Just got home, been spending the whole day with THEM" and just after a minute I receive his reply "Okay. But i'll stil be waiting. Good night and sleep well"

The sun was already shining when I woke up, I looked at the time and it was already 7:15. I got up looked outside the window to see if he really was waiting, but no one was there. I was relieved to see that he wasn't there yet I felt sorry, what if he did wait for me outside but there was no message from him saying that he's outside. I decided to go to sleep again, it was still early to wake up and I was still tired, but a knock on the door made me think otherwise.

"Darling, wake up. Someone's here to see you and he's been waiting for quite some time now" with that said by mom, I immediately got out of bed, brushed my hair and tied it into a ponytail. OMG, he really did wait for me but I never would have thought that he would ring the door bell or something.

And there he was, Marcus Wright sitting in the living room with my parents drinking starbucks. Wait, Starbucks? "Hey Marcus, what are you doing here?"

"We were suppossed to go jogging but I figured you'd be tired so I came by to bring you some coffee and some waffles as well." He had this smile on his face that was just too mezmerizing and I can see that my parents were captivated as well.

"Thanks, but you didn't have to do this Marcus." I took the coffee that he offerred me and took a sip.

"Since Mr. and Mrs. Davis is hear, I would like to ask your persmission to be able to take your daughter out for dinner?" He said so manly with his british accent. Who could say no to that? Of course my parents both agreed and looked at me with a huge grin on their face.

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