Chapter 22: Fatal Finals Part 3

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???: hello! I'm the villain from some other story... I was recently defeated by a freak kitten and a nerdy hero! The power was so great that it teleported me here to do the intro! So... (reads notes) "The Bear leader in this multiverse realm does not own Yokai Watch and others. It may show some ties to other stories such as Twinklnyan Adventures and Fate Changers, but I'm sure that MS Galaxynyan was younger here than he was in the original universe. Make sure you look forward to seeing him in the future, Zayachu15 gave me a great idea of what's coming next"

???: I don't get it, what does she mean that this universe's Galaxynyan is younger here? Isn't time already crazy enough to explain?

MS Deku: (in the background) well Time is risk-free for Fictioners, so no drastic changes that affect the future

???: oh okay... I wonder if this battle turned out unsuccessful for Impyur... what? I'm just saying that I need a friend in the afterlife! Hello?


Chapter 22: Fatal Finals Part 3


The car shifted to the new background as I drove past my house. My birthplace to see any other friends I can take to the battle, I saw the middle schooler I know that can get to Jinpei's heart... "Emma! There you are!" I asked her

"Oh Lyn!" Said FC Emma, "I haven't seen you since the... fight we have. Umm is this about Jinpei being weird to you again?"

"No, not this time. It's that... he's in trouble and I want you to help me to save him" I lied to her

"Oh no! Well I only wanted to see him, he's been gone for almost a month here and I was wondering if you got back with him" she said

"It is not a joke, Jinpei and her best friend were kidnapped by her father's former enemy. We have to save them if it's the last thing we do!" Cloudless spoke to her

"Wow! I didn't know you own a talking car! I might not do much, but I'll help you" said Emma

"Good. I do want all the strength" I went back to the car with Emma and they both buckled up to leave the FC multiverse


In a quiet kitchen, Cubbonyan was making a large bowl of honey and chocolate ice cream for his sister, "I hope this will make her chill"

"You're terrible as the skeleton bear freak"
The wisp laughed

"Would you be quiet for another minute!" My brother shouted

"Sorry, it's just that you guys came in silently and I almost had it! Will you at least let me put sprinkles on the sundae?" He begged

"No thanks, it is a recipe for the trustworthy. I cannot allow you to tamper my special sundae for Lyn, she's already been misguided by the wrong teacher" Cubbonyan explained

"Blah, blah, blah... not all demon wisps are bad to the bone" he groaned

"Not listening" Cubbonyan carried the sundae to Lyn's temporary room as he walked in front of the locked door, "Lyn... I know you're still upset, but I have ice cream for you, and I made your favorite. I understand Bear Dad is a bit strict when we didn't listen to his orders, but I think he knows what's best for us. Lyn? Are you asleep?" He unlocked the door and noticed the fake me asleep

"Lyn... wake up. Your ice cream is going to melt soon if you don't" he continued to shake her

The body got up and gave him a glaring look from her eyes, "Cubbonyan... what... are you doing here" she yawned

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