On Her Deathbed

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She's a frail human. A sick, frail human. Her blood reeked of decay and disease. Orion's thoughts swirled in his mind as he gazed down at her unconscious body. Her skin was paler than the last time he'd seen her. Her hair had thinned and dulled. She already looked like a corpse in a coffin. She is on her deathbed for fuck's sake. Stop this madness. Let her die in peace and let her go to her heaven.

When he had called Caleb to discuss the newest regulations administered by the council, Caleb promised he would return his call in the morning. He said he just needed some time. At the time, fury had coiled around him, he had asked what was more important than discussing important political details. Then he heard Caleb sigh and he never thought he'd hear his friend cry.

"She won't last the night, Orion. I won't allow her to die alone."

Time froze.

Thoughts of politics and regulations ceased to exist as everything in Orion came to a stop. His heart clenched as visions of the poor soul infiltrated his mind. Death for her was inevitable. He had known since the moment he had met her. The smell of her blood confirmed it, but where others steered clear, he had been strangely drawn to the wilting flower.

He should have told Caleb that there was no way he would ever share his family blood with her. It would've saved them a lot of pain and empty promises. He did tell Caleb that! He did! But Caleb, the persistent fool that he was, continued to persuade him to at least meet her. His blood was not something he could easily share and his family wouldn't appreciate that type of attention garnered lightly. Even if every time his eyes gazed straight into hers that he could feel her soul beckoning to his, he couldn't allow himself to respond to her silent pleas.

That night she had showed up when his family was entertaining high society officials; he had to set her straight and correct her behavior. She could not just seek him out as if she had the right to him. He did what he had to do. He broke her heart and distinguished all hope. The innocence within her eyes was snuffed out like a candle, watching him close the door to the office as he pulled another willing flower into his office to entertain.

All that hope and love reflecting in those depths was replaced by pain and betrayal. Every time he attempted to draw her into a conversation, she was so cold, cruel, and distant. He missed her warmth. He missed her hanging off his sentences in desperation to see if she could hear his soul in the words he said.

He swore to her that he couldn't save her. He wouldn't. He refused.

Yet the moment Caleb's words struck him like a physical blow, the news of her impending death chilled his core. Caleb issued an apology and promised to call in the morning. Even when Caleb hung up, all he could do was stand there in shock. He couldn't function properly. If it hadn't been for his sister to walk by the office, he would've still been standing in his family's estate. He had fallen on his knees in front of her, feeling like his entire world was dying and shattering before him.

"What is it?" Persephone had questioned him.

His eyes went to his sister. "She'll be dead before morning."

Persephone frowned before her eyes narrowed in on him. "What is she to you, Orion? No more lies. You wouldn't look like you were dying if she didn't mean something to you."

"I-I don't," he had fumbled over his words. "I-I don't know, but I just can't..."

"You can't what?"

"I can't lose her, Persephone. It'll be the death of me."

Shocked, Persephone's eyes widened at that. That was where their father found them with Persephone crouched down before Orion and Orion on his knees her before she looked to their father.

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