We all need time

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  The next day was a blur, Izuku spent the day repeating his account of events and reassuring everyone that he was okay.
  All Might was first to come and explain his part in things. Izuku had barely let him finish before assuring that it was alright and that all was forgiven.
  His mom was next, with the trio. Huh, so Liam is going to follow Aki to Germany.. They said their goodbyes and Hawks simply gave a nod when he came in to guide them out. Guess he's taking them.. Izuku didn't miss Noah's awe of Hawks' wings - nor Hawks ruffling the shorter Noah's hair.
He didn't expect to see anyone else.. but Shoto's specific absence made him uneasy. Sigh. I'm in trouble.
When he got the clearance to be discharged, he debated messaging him to be the one to drive him home. Hah.. no.. I'm not that shameless.. I need to give myself.. and everyone else.. time. We all need time.
Inko had left him a change of clothes and had wanted to come back after work, but he checked himself out and called a taxi.
Ah, wait. He returned to the desk and asked for Eijiro's room number. He had taken the stairs earlier because he wasn't so eager to hop into an elevator again just yet.. but quickly tapped for one before he lost his nerve.
He reached the hallway and watched Shoto leave the room, heading the other way in the hall. Whew.. but since when are they close?
Izuku peered into the window of the room door, gauging Eijiro's reaction as he knocked and let himself in.
"Bro." He said while trying to hold a smile.
He was wrapped neck to waist. Izuku's legs gave out.
"Hey, man! What's wrong?! I'll call the nurse!"
"No.. sorry.. just give me a moment.."
Izuku made his way over to Eijiro's side. "I'm so sorry.. this all happened because of me." Any and all guilt Izuku had managed to compartmentalize when it came to Eijiro, released in body racking sobs. "I d-don't d-deserve-" Hiccup.
"Hey.. it's fine. I'm okay, it's okay. Of course we'd go after you.."
"I didn't mean to involve any of you. I was selfish, I've been so selfish Eijiro, I'm sorry.."
Eijiro sat up quietly. He knew what Izuku was really apologizing for.
"Katsuki is really great, huh?"
Izuku stopped trying to keep up with his tears and looked up, sniffling.
He's.. he's something. I can't say I recognize him anymore since meeting him again.. but, "I don't know what you mean.."
Eijiro side smiled and laid back again, patting a spot beside him on the bed. Izuku slowly approached, trying to calm himself. Hiccup.
"I-I can't take long.. I have a taxi.." Izuku didn't have the face to finish.
"I went to check on him last night.. but he wasn't in his room." Eijiro watched as Izuku's eyes grew big.
"Ah.. that's.." Izuku started.
"No matter. I figured it was important if he was out of bed for it."
The silence that followed was uncomfortable.
"I'm going to leave Japan. I shouldn't have come back.. I-"
"I think we'd rather you stay."
"Wh-what?" We?
"It'd be more troublesome not knowing if you're alright or when you'll come back and what trouble you'll bring with you then. So instead of running away again, you should stay and work things out. It's not like you to be running from things.."
Hah. Izuku tried to get a grip on himself. Is this forgiveness or revenge? He stood up just to sit on his knees, resting his head on the spot he sat before, feeling small next to Eijiro.
"Can you forgive me?"
"..." Eijiro turned on his side and gently cupped Izuku's face to face him. "What is it that you want?"
Izuku looked at him. The friendly and energetic classmate he knew was still there, but in a way that made him all the more sad. He's been weathered by this, by my-
"The hell is going on here?"
Izuku jumped in his skin, not immediately facing the aura of what-the-fuck-ness at the door. He watched Eijiro's face instead. Mild surprise to nonchalance, as he removed his hand and settled back.
"Just some manly one on one. Did you need something?"
He's giving me a chance to gather myself. Izuku subtly wiped his face and nose before standing up. "I'll uh.."
"We'll catch up once you decide."
"Uh.. r-right." Izuku turned and left without facing Katsuki.
Katsuki had kept eyes on Eijiro, who carefully draped a heavily bandaged elbow over his face.
"Could you get the lights? It's too bright in here."
Accepting he wasn't going to get an answer, Katsuki flicked the lights then slowly walked to a chair by the bed to plop in.
"You look tired. You don't need to be here.." Eijiro mixed his genuine concern with coolness.
"I wanted to ask.." Katsuki sat back and looked Eijiro in the eyes. "Do you.. want to recover with me at the cabin.. let's not stay here longer than we have to."


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