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Chapter 22:

This bastard had a death grip on me.

Fricken tugging on me and pulling me around by the arm as if I were his purse, it's getting on my nerves.

"YA! THAT HURTS!" I finally complained and ripped my arms from his grasp.

God dang it, get some therapy you freak. my god...

"I-I-" he stuttered, causing me to shift my attention from my now bruised arm to the man before me who looks like he's about to cry.

No seriously, his eyes are all watered up and he's staring at my bruise with widening shocked eyes and a quivering lip.

I sighed, ugh, curse the therapist wannabe in me, "it's ok. Just be more mindful of your strength, please. It really hurts..."

"I-I- I'm so... I'm so sorry for harming you Yuliana I swear it was never my intention please forgive me!!!" He pleaded and grabbed onto my shoulders.

Yeah yeah whatever, let go of me. I hate when men touch me, it brings back bad memories.

"I know. I know." ughhhhhh, why do I have to baby the adult whom kidnapped me?

Yoongi's P.O.V

I can't believe it... I harmed Yunnie, I'm worthless I shouldn't even be touching her again.

She's so delicate... yet she's an angel to forgive me.

The rest of the afternoon went by and I kept my distance from her.

I didn't dare touch her again, simply seeing her made me want to cling onto her and never let go, and the feeling of her skin with mine was like a drug. Clouding my mind, forcing me to forget about everything in the world except her.

It's difficult to control myself, I only want her. I want to make her mine but she isn't ready, I know that. I know I have to be patient but it's getting harder by the minute.

I want to know her better, like an explorer venturing through your deep forest of mystery...

I want to know your thoughts, what your feeling, your memories, your heart.

I want everything about you.

Your plump, full, lips that I wish I could savor in between mine...

Your deep, (color) orbs that penetrate my soul every time our eyes connect.

Your glowing, soft skin that I can never get enough of.

Your scent, your intoxicating scent... I swear, you sort of smell like oranges.

And your hair- "sir, take a picture it'll last longer."

huh...? Ah, Crap- you caught me staring.

I look away in panic, sheesh this is so embarrassing.

I hide my face in my arms and glanced back at you.

Your deep orbs stared into mine, causing my breath to hitch and my heart to explode into fireworks.

I swear you've bewitched me.

I never believed in love, I never thought that I, Min Yoongi, August D, nor Suga could ever come to love and treasure another person so deeply.

I thought this thing people called "love" was always a hoax, how is it possible that these feelings exist?

Love? I've always believed that it was perhaps a momentary array of emotions...

That it all comes with conditions...

Why do we love?

Why do we feel such emotions for one other?

Hm, love? A momentary array of emotions? 'Eternity'? It's perhaps a sandcastle collapsing weakly, helplessly before a calm wave...

I don't want to ever lose you.

You're the one who brought the morning dawn to my eternal nights with no end to be seen.

The one who brought elation to my despondency, sweetness to my bitterness mornings.

I can never lose you, do you feel the same?

Does your heart speed like mine when our eyes connect? Does your skin warm up when we are simply a few feet apart? Do you spend every second of every day unable to focus because I'm the only thing running through your mind?

Do you...? Or is this all just wishful thinking...?

You keep glancing at me, I see how your checks warm-up when our eyes connect.

I know the feeling is mutual...

I want to touch you.

Hey, Yun, will you let me hold your hand now?

If our hands' touch, even if it's just for a second, will I lose you?

Will you disappear like a sandcastle before the boisterous sea?

Oh god, what am I saying?!

You're driving me insane!!

I'm scared that you're going to leave me? YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME! YOU WON'T!

I need to get out of here, you're suffocating me.

I can't get enough of you, but I can't even touch you.

I need some air. I need to leave before I make another mistake.

"What are you doing?" She question as she saw me stand up from the floor.

Her honey-like voice causes my heart to play hopscotch for a moment there, "I- I uh... I need some air."

"What- uh, ok fine..." she paused, "Can I come with you?" She continued after some thought.

"NO! I- uh, n-no I'm sorry. No, you cannot."

"Why not?" Why is she so keen on leaving our room?

"Because I said so." I argued, I accidentally raised my voice a little but luckily it didn't frighten her.

I sighed and turned around towards the door.

"Huh." She finally let out, "Ok. Pfft." Why is she talking to herself? What is she laughing at?

My hand was already on the door handle but I let go of it to see what the hell this crazy chick was up to.


"I-'m so sorry I just leaned back and-" her lip quivered. She's lying isn't she, she did this on purpose? But there's no way she'd be lying to me, right?


Why would you do this on purpose?

"Why?" I questioned, I didn't mean to basically growl at her.

"Huh?" Her lips quivered as she cried crocodile tears.

I hate liars.


"Tell me, don't make me punish you."

(A/N) I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like- forever 😭😭💜💜💜
I hope you liked the chapter 🥲💜💜💜

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