Chapter 1

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Laval was sitting at the edge of the Lion Temple stairs cleaning his sword that was given to him by his uncle Lavertus. While he was cleaning it Liella walked up to him and sat next to her boyfriend. "Hey Laval, how're you doing?" Asked Liella. "I'm doing great." He said smiling as he looked at his girlfriend before kissing her cheek. "That a new sword?" Asked Liella. "Yeah, my Uncle Lavertus gave it to me, he said it belonged to my mother." He said sadly. "What's wrong?" Asked Liella as she held his paw. "I never knew my mother, I only ever knew my dad, and any time I brought it up he'd close himself off and send me to my room or to go train, it's like he doesn't want me to know my mother." Said Laval. "I'm so sorry Laval." Said Liella as she held his paw. Laval smiled and hugged Liella. "I'm planning on exploring what else Chima has to offer with my friends, would you like to come?" Asked Laval. "I'd love that Laval, it sounds amazing." Said Liella.

Meanwhile in the Swamp areas Cragger was dealing with his annoying sister once again. "Come on Cragger why won't you listen to reason, we don't need those other tribes." Said Crooler. "Ugh, for the millionth time Crooler, no, I will not betray my friends, you've already manipulated me into doing that once and I will never do it again." Said Cragger as he walked away. Crooler was left standing by the throne of the Crocodile kingdom. "Grr, one day you'll see how pointless it is to rely on other tribes dear brother and when that day comes I will be there to take control." Said Crooler.

Later that day Laval and all his friends were gathered at the Forever Rock. "So what do we do now, I mean we've restored the Mammoths, Polar Bears, Vultures, and Saber Tooth Tigers to their good selves there's not much to do anymore." Said Worriz. "Well, we could go and explore the new islands below us, find lots of new customers and treasure." Said Razar. "You know, Razar has a point, Chima is so much more vast now, that who knows what we could find, maybe there'll be new creatures, new types of plants, and even new types of chi to try down there." Said Eris. "Alright, all in favor of going to explore the new world say I." Said Laval. "I." Said everyone at the same time. "Alright, we'll gather our supplies up today and then tomorrow morning we will take Eris's eagle jet down to the ground." Said Laval. "But what about the Croc Copter?" Asked Cragger. "We'll need that to bring our vehicles and speedors down Cragger." Said Laval. "Good point, I know I feel safer when I have my speedor to make a quick get away if needed." Said Cragger as he smiled. "So, anyone else curious if there'll be more dangers down there?" Asked Skinett. "What do you mean Skinett?" Asked Gorzan. "I mean think about it, in the Outlands hid the Scorpions, Spiders, and Bats, then below their feet hid the ice tribes, what tribes could be hiding down there that'll be dangerous?" Asked Skinett. "You know, he does make a good point." Said Rhinona. "Hmm, well we'll just have to be careful." Said Laval. "And not let you drop or give any of our chi away." Said Cragger. Laval groaned. "Would you please drop that Cragger, it was one mistake, and the ice tribe thing is Scorpan's fault." Said Laval. Everyone started laughing at his reaction. "I'm just teasing you Laval, I know it wasn't your fault." Said Cragger.

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