<wayv - ouija board pt.1>

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*sorry there's no pic im in a rush*

*for part one, is just a beginning of how it all started so you won't be here , only the boys, but you will be mentioned by them, and you will appear on pt.2 of this story:)*


Kun's pov.

I didn't ask for this to happen, but then again y/n and these guys are stubborn. Although I've warned them more than 10 times to not play this stupid board games at night, yet they still played them, and I just had to go with the flow knowing there's really no use for me to remind them that this game is dangerous, and now everything seemed to went too far and the game now is really gone wrong. It all started like this..,

end of Kun's pov.

how it started...

"guys tomorrow's y/n's birthday, any plans for her?" asked Winwin. "why don't we take her out for movies and do some shopping?" Kun said while texting someone. "Hyung cmon that sounds boring and besides we've done that last year, we need to think of something else.." Ten argued all the way from the kitchen. Kun put down his phone and sit back to think and rest himself a bit. "hey actually I kinda agree with Kun Hyung but let's not take y/n to the mall, let's just go out today and buy something for her and then tomorrow we can gather at a place to surprise her..!" said Lucas as he sounded excited. "hm- I think we can do that...?" said Ten as he left the kitchen and walked to the living room where the rest of the members are. 

"aight, since the stores open at 9 am, we will leave at 8:50," Kun said and get up to get some water. "andddd its already 8:49..! we should get goin now" Xiaojun checked his phone to see the time and they all left.   

at the mall.

"let's go separate ways and see what we can get for y/n!!" Yangyang happily said with Hendery agreeing with him. "heyyy that sounds interesting!" Lucas excitedly shouts leaving everyone laughing. "but can I go with Ten Hyung? I don't wanna get lost cz this mall is pretty big!" Hendery asked while making a cute voice. "yea whatever let's go!" Ten grabbed Hendery's arm and the seven of them went separate ways. 


"which store should we go to first?" Hendery asked. "I've no idea, but y/n do like something she can always use or play so...." Ten said and both of them look at each other knowing exactly where to go (or nah). 

"dude I've been expecting a bookstore or typo but you dragged us here..?" Ten laughed as Hendery nodded. "I went to have a sleepover at y/n's place 3 days ago and she prettymuch have a lot of nerf guns and lightsabers and costumes and weird ass dolls so I was wondering we should get her a new toy!" Hendery proudly said and both made their way in. 


"hyung did you get anything yet?" asked Hendery. "no I havent- I've no idea what to get for her and she seemed to already have everything in-- OMG Hendery what's wrong why are you-" Hendery quickly pulled Ten to a darker side of the store which was filled with lots of board games. 

"y/n like spooky things" said Hendery as they stand in front of an aisle with lots of spooky games. "and she never had one of those" Ten lowly said as he slowly turned his head to one of the board games there. Both smirk at each other and purchase the board game and happily walked out the store. 


"- AH there they are!" said Winwin as he walk towards starbucks where the rest are there. "Sicheng come here quick!" Ten said and when they all are gathered at one table everything seemed to be serious and fun. 

"so let's reveal what we got for y/n!" said Kun. "Kun Hyung you go first" Ten said with a grin. Kun carefully took out a middle-sized velvet box from a small paper bag and the others already went like 'ohhhhhhh' with a teasing voice. "chill you brats it's not even a ring" Kun said and open the box revealing a silver necklace with a black crystal pendant hanging on it. "yahhhh that's so beautiful I actually have been planning to buy that for her i just couldnt find it anywhere..wherever did you get it?" whined Lucas, leaving Kun playfully smirk. "actually this is a custom made, I've been texting a worker at the jewellery shop since yesterday asking them to make it exactly like this and just now before we head out the worker texted me saying its done!" Kun proudly said. "okay my turn!" said Xiaojun. He grabbed a big paper bag from the floor and place it on the table leaving others shook. He carefully take out a heavy box and smiled to himself. "you bought her the latest nerf gun?! did you buy any for me??" whined Lucas while eyeing the box. "nah you gotta wait for your next birthday" Winwin excitedly put a middle-sized paper bag on the table and sit back. 

"well? what did you- wahh you got her a skirt..!" Ten look inside the bag. "Yep, since she gave me a pair of fluffly pyjamas and a perfume on my last birthday I thought it would be nice if I bought her a set of cute skirts, and the skirt is not that short I'm sure it'll fit her well.." Then Yangyang put a small but heavy paper bag on the wooden table and happily smiled. "i got her a set of comics that she like, its on sale btw so its not that expensive..!" "baby I'm sure she'll like it" said Ten. "Lucas your turn!" said Hendery with excitement written all over his face. 

"I bought her a.......TADAAA!" "wahhh you rly bought her a box of Harry Potter wands collection? did you buy any for me?" Xiaojun playfully whined and laughed. "nah you gotta wait for your next birthday" Lucas said back to Xiaojun leaving them all laugh. 

now its only Ten and Hendery left. 

"so what did you two bought for her?" Kun asked with an excited smile. Ten carefully and gently put a toysRus bag on the table leaving the others laughed at both Ten and Hendery. "did you rly went to toysRus??" said Winwin while trying hard to hold his laugh. But as soon as Hendery took out a wooden-like box that written ouija on it, the boys are speechless except for both Ten and Hendery who look at each other with a smile. 

"did you two really.." Yangyang said and force a smile on his face. "she like spooky things so I'm sure she's gonna love it" Lucas said and the rest of them are excited about the board game, except Kun.

"lets head back, I'm tired" Kun lowly said and they all seemed a bit weirded out but they just head back after buying things to eat. 

while everyone was busy talking about the ouija board and seemed excited about it and can't wait to play it with you, Kun just stay silent while driving, not having the interest to be excited and all. to him, that is a dangerous child's play and he's kinda worried about yours and his members' safety if y'all play the game. 

pt.2 coming soon!!


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