chapter thirteen

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I sit in my room, staring at the mirror, wondering how long it'll actually take me to get up and get ready for the party. Someone opens my door, and I look through the mirror to see who it was.

"Why aren't you ready yet?!" I close my eyes, calming down, and standing up. I turn around to face her. I look her straight in the eyes, and apologize.

"I'll get ready now." My mom rolls her eyes, and shuts the door. I pinch the area between my eyes, and walk towards my closet, grabbing the dress the maid had prepared.

It was... a dress. It was a short pink dress with a nice v-neck. I undressed, and placed the dress on. I held the dress up, and had a maid zip it up for me. The maid left the room, and I grabbed a paid of shoes that would match.

I sit back down at my vanity, staring. How would I live if i lived with my dad? I mean, both of my parents are rich, but would I feel better living there with him? or here with my mom.

Someone knock on my door this time, and my brother opens it.

"Let's go." He walks back out, leaving the door open. I stand up, grabbing my phone and walking out of the door, and out of the house.


I stand with the rest of the little hera palace club, watching the fireworks go off. I feel someone's presence behind me, and
I look over my shoulder seeing it's Seokhoon.

He gives a small smile, and I continue to watch the fireworks, pointing out the different colors.

I look around, noticing there were only six of us.

"Yah, where's Ha Eunbyeol?" The rest of them look around, shrugging.

I push Seokhoon's hand off my waist, and walk away from the table, and into Hera Palace.

I walk through the main floor halls, looking for the girl. I hear walking down the hall and see the lady from school yesterday... why— whatever.

I continue my walk down and realize how far in I am. I'm right by the statue. The statue was always weird to me.

Why would you name a 100 story apartment complex of a greek goddess who protected married women?

Anyways, I turn around wanting to to
head back to the group, but I see Eunbyeol running down the hallway.

Where did she come from? I sigh, making my way back outside to see the firework show that was still ongoing.

I walked back towards the group, and stand there, waiting for when we have to walk back into the main building for the one year anniversary of Hera Palace.

I stand in between Jumin and Seokhoon, Seokhoon casually wrapping his arm around my waist again.

I grab my phone off the table, and see unread messages.

you're staying
at your dads
tomorrow night.

dad <3
guess what?
you're staying with
me tomorrow :D

i don't mind
if you bring Jumin
or your boyfriend :3

where'd you go?

I was about to put my phone down again, but i get another message.

my brother
why is his hand

I look at him, raising my eyebrow, and he gestures to the hand resting on my waist.

why not?
i'm comfortable.

I can see Jumin gag in the corner of my eye, and I smirk.

don't feel too bad
that your younger sister
got a lover before you

shut the fuck up :D
I will feed you to
the dogs.

I snicker, finally placing my phone down and watching another firework pop.

I can see everyone looking at the fireworks as they popped in the sky.


We were standing in the main area, the Hera statue right in front of us. Everyone is talking and sipping on juice (we're 16 what did you expect?)

I see Mr. Joo walk up to the mic, testing it. He introduces himself and thanks everyone for coming.

I see Assemblyman Jo walk next to him, and pretend to press the button, making the crowd stand on their toes.

He laughs as he hears everyone groan. He finally pressed the button, allowing the fountain around the state to sprout out water.

The amazement in the room doesn't stop there. Mr. Joo pours some more alcohol in this ascending pyramid of glasses.

Someone pinches my side, and I see my mom.

"Mom. What do you need?"

"Did you get my text?" I nod, and notice the blood stain on the back of her chin, by her jawline.

"Are you ok? You have blood on you." She touches the area I pointed at, and shakes her head.

"I'm fine." She walks away, but gasps are heard from the front of the room.

The little hera palace approaches the scene... aren't those SeolA's shoes? Why are they there...

I look around at the different adults, seeing the different stains of blood on them.

Jenny's mom had some on her face, same with Minhyuk's mom. Minhyuk's dad had some blood on the back of his head... but that's everyone I saw.

What did they do?! I try to walk forwards, but Seokhoon's mom pushes me out of the way, landing me right on the floor. aH. my nonexistent ass.

I stand back up, but Eunbyeol lands on me, after she's pushed too. What is my luck?

Seokhoon grabs my arms, while Jumin grabs Eunbyeols. I look at the mess that had happened down the isle.

Did the adults do something to SeolA?

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