more than a woman

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lowercase intended, modern au, if you'd like you can listen to the song "more than a woman" by the bee gees so you can get the full experience or whatever lol, inspired by the current videos circulating on tiktok suggesting jean would like this song, possible typos

word count: 1382 


your eyes opened reluctantly, the morning- or afternoon, really- sunlight instantly assaulting you, forcing your eyelids shut once more. a groan slipped past your lips and you rolled to your side, your arm flailing around searching for the other person who would usually be next to you.

"jeannn..." you called, eyes still shut and arm still flailing around. "son of a bitch."

forcing your eyes open again, you saw that his side of the bed was empty and he had neatly folded the blankets so you wouldn't have to make the bed on your own. how thoughtful. and they say romance is dead.

taking a deep breath, you mentally prepared yourself for what you may see when you decide to leave the comfort of your bed. for a moment, you contemplated if it would be worth it. sure, you love jean, but the warmth from under the covers seemed so much more tempting right now.

that is, until you heard music. it wasn't loud, not from where you were laying anyway, but it sounded like somebody was singing along to whatever song it was. you couldn't quite make out the words. this piqued your interest, and suddenly the warmth from the covers wasn't good enough for you to change your mind.

ripping the blankets off of you, you cringed at the way goosebumps instantly rose on your bare legs and arms. you'd fallen asleep in a pair of jeans boxers and a random cropped tank top from the floor. whatever, your curiosity easily distracted you from the cold. 

swinging your legs over the side of the bed, you leapt out and began walking out of the bedroom, stepping over the floorboards that creaked, hoping you could sneak up on him. as you walked down the staircase, you began recognizing the melody but without the words you were drawing a blank. 

standing in the doorway of the kitchen, you could now clearly see jean dancing in front of the stove humming along to the song. then the lyrics came up, and he started belting again.

"more than a woman!" he sang, a smile wide on his face. "more than a woman to me!"

even though he was facing you, his eyes were closed, probably too immersed in the song or something. he turned around and picked up the spatula, singing again as he continued cooking. "more than a woman... more than a woman to me."

"there are stories old and true..." he continued before turning around to grab something. his eyes widened when he realized you were standing there and had witnessed everything. he smiled nervously before he finally calmed down and stepped toward you.

from where you stood, you could see his long hair had been brushed through haphazardly with his fingers and he probably pulled the shirt on without looking because it was inside-out and backwards. he was also wearing a random pair of boxers, still wrinkled from the endless hours of tossing and turning throughout the night. something shiny caught your eye, and upon closer inspection, you saw the gold wedding band on his ring finger, shining like it was just yesterday you'd put it in him.

he reached out to you with his left hand, and you swore you felt embarrassed for a moment, before taking his hand, the ring cold against your palm. "wearing your ring?"

"of course..." he smiled, pulling you into his chest and pressing a kiss to your cheek. "i love you, and what better way to remind myself of that love than to wear the very thing that symbolizes it."

more than a woman // jean kirsteinWhere stories live. Discover now