I am sorry

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"Earth, do you think that I don't love Kongpob?" Arthit asked

"Huh? What kind of a question is this arthit?" Earth asked confused

"I don't know, I just feel that I don't love Kongpob well enough" arthit said

"Are you sure you are well, or do you want to see a doctor?" Earth asked

"Earth, I am not joking" arthit said irritated by his friends childish behavior

"OK sorry, come on tell me what's the actual matter?" Earth asked

"It would have been no problem, if I would know what the matter is" arthit said

"Arthit, is Kongpob fighting with you or did he tell you something?" Earth asked seriously

"Nah! That makes me more sad, he never says anything about any stupid thing I do. Even though I know that he is sad, or hurt by my action or words, he just smiles and lets it go" arthit said

"Then that's good right? Let it be" earth said

"Its not good, I don't want him to put all his feelings inside him, I want him to tell me when I hurt him, to tell me when he is sad, to tell me what hurt him, to share everything with me good or bad" arthit said

"Aw! I wish you were my boyfriend" earth said smiling

"Will you please be serious for a while?" Arthit asked

"Uh...sure sorry, see I guess you should tell him about this" earth advised

Arthit nodded

"By the way, what made you feel that you don't love him enough?" Earth asked

"Have you seen the way he runs around me, I never do that. What I say, is sure to be done by him but I don't do that either. He expresses his love to the fullest, and I don't. There is no count of his I love yous, and me, I rarely tell it, that it can be on your fingers" arthit said sighing

"Arthit, everybody has different ways of showing their love. Kongpob shows it by words, and you show it by action its as simple as that" earth explained

"Its not that simple earth, yesterday I was standing in the balcony thinking about something very deeply when he suddenly back hugged me and I pushed him away and scolded him for scaring me. He mumbled a sorry and smiled at me and then walked back in, I knew he was hurt I asked him a couple of times but all he said was I am okay p" arthit narrated yesterday's incident

"Really arthit? This is how you treat your boyfriend? In how much ever depth you were, you shouldn't have pushed him" earth said disbelievingly

"I know, and that is why I think that I don't love him enough, where as he loves me a lot more than I deserve" arthit said

"I somewhat agree on that" earth said looking away

"Should I leave him? He deserves someone better" arthit said thoughtfully

"Have you sold your brain or what? The kid is madly in love with you, what will he do without you idiot" earth said hitting Arthit's head

"I don't know, I am going mad" arthit said

"I think you should go home, however it will be 7 in half an hour, I will do the left over work" earth said

"Are you sure? You too have a lot of work" arthit reminded

"I know, I will manage go" earth said smiling

Nodding arthit decided to go back home

In the taxi

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