true power

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I was retreiving the relic when I saw a cybertronian jet coming. "Smokes hide!" I said but to late for that option. And Megatron is in front of us. Great. "Ah, just the femme I wanted to see." He said almost grabbing me, but smokes stopped him. "She's mine." He said with a growl. I just stood there, he just claimed me. Now that is true power. Then he grabbed me and growled mine. I smirked seeing his possesiveness over me. "Fine. But she will be a decepticon and we will make sure of that." He said as he took off. He then blushed. I smiled at him, he claimed me. "So now I'm yours?" I asked. "I only tried to make him think, if you don't like me that's okay." He said and turned ashamed. I then grabbed his servo, he was shocked and surprised. "I do." I said. "You...." Before he could finish I pecked his lip plates. He was speechless. "Now we gotta go before megsy comes and clams me, Mr. Posesive." I said as I commed base. I transformed and he followed in persuit. We went through and saw everybot staring. "Optics somewhere else." I ordered and they did. Creator chuckled. I looked at her like what are you thinking, she shook her head.

Sorry for not updating, school! But now I am updating again. Sorry for a short chapter and thanks if you voted or commented.
Cybergirl1 out

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