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I am Kuru kulvadhu Subhadra. After that dreadful war what had taken place was all obvious. The spirit of move on was no where. Bcoz the drastic effect of that destruction had it's strong imprint on everyone's heart. Besides that economy had hampered badly. Subjects had conditions of misery from physical, mental nd spiritual point of view.

Everything was in shattered conditions. Royal family was facing the most dreadful days. Because each one was witnessing their faulty contribution in occurance of that war. They were doing the penance by remaining dedicated towards duties without caring about the wounds they had bore. I was the person who didn't had contributions but had consequences.

Gradually the scenario had changed with the mutual effort of everyone. Me nd my bhratashri had made convinced nd encouraged all to move on as that was the leading us nearer to establishment of our ultimate goal. When a sustainable environment had formed my family, the glorious Yadav clan had surrendered it's existance to the destiny of Dwapar yug. After that my brothers, my jyeshtha nd my arya had decided to leave for final journey in order to attain their deservings by renouncing royalty.

I remained behind to look after the righteousness of path of  my grandson Parikshit, to enlighten him with the life values of his ancestors nd to acknowledge him the base essentials of the journey of whole family. After all i was the only one there who had witnessed each moment which had become history. Now i will ask my questions.

(1) Can't remain alive away from our loved ones or be alive away from our loved one , which one is more difficult?

(2) The guide who lead a path by holding all essence of a complete era, what's your impression about that person?

(a) Can that person be lustful?

(b) Can that person has jealousy?

(c) Can you imagine that person in frame of self interest nd self consciousness?

(d) To which extent your reasoning sense would believe that person being lack of any significant qualities?

(e) To how far her evil potryal is acceptable for ur conscience?

So readers here's the update.

Give response according to your heart nd conscience.


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