Chapter 12

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I didn't have the wits for a simple action as hailing a cab. Somehow maybe divine intervention I found myself wandering down the right path to my home when my eyes failed to pay attention to where I was going,  my legs lead the way working without my command.

Growing up atheist left me blind to anything supernatural. I didn't understand and as human nature dictates we fear what we don't understand.

And I was terrified of myself. I had things, memories that were being unlocked. I was going to see and hear things I've never before. This was cruelty begging me to ask the question what did I do to be cursed this way.

Like in those scientific movies Ben always dragged me to watch were me and Nick adventurers that stumbled into a witch's clutches unknowingly. I wish I paid more attention to those movies now.

I entered the building and the light wasn't working. It was flickering again. I wouldn't be surprised if my building was haunted. I stumbled up to my apartment and put my key in the door only to find that it was unlocked.

I pushed open the door and found Ben sitting at the edge of my bed with his head in his hands.

"Ben," I said and he looked up at me and stood.

"Val, what happened?" He asked taking in my hellish appearance. It was hard to lie to your best friend especially when they had a key to your apartment. "Where have you been?"

"Ben not right now please," I said and the keys fell out of my hand and to the floor. I didn't bother to pick them up but peeled the jacket off my body.

"Val it's three in the morning." I didn't have an answer for him how could I tell him without him thinking I was crazy or pulling him into this whole new world of Gods and monsters.

"Ben I need some space to think please." I raised my hands in front of me to prevent him from coming any closer to me. I wasn't just Valerie twenty year old struggling writer. I was Valerie born again hundreds of times due to a curse.

"Val you can talk to me about anything you know this. I feel like you hiding something from me constantly. Whatever it is you can tell me."

I looked at Ben and he looked anxious he looked scared and if someone was coming for me I wanted Ben no where near me. He couldn't be collateral damage. I wasn't getting him involved in my mess.

"I think it would be better if you go," I said and his eyebrows scrunched together. He looked like he was speechless. Not once did I ever ask him to leave and it pained me.

"Are you even listening to yourself," he said taking a step towards me, "this is not you."

"I don't even know who I am anymore Ben." Tears rolled down my cheeks as I told my friend one truth. I didn't know who I was. This was far from a normal identity crisis.

He came over to me and pulled me into a hug the scent I smelled so much and his warmth that could calm the heaviest of wars in me made it all that harder. My body shook as I cried. I didn't want to stay away from Ben, but he didn't deserve to be pulled into my mess.

"Ben you have to stay away from me," I choked the words out.

"I'm sorry Val but I can't," he said and pulled away from me.


"I love you." My heart stilled even though I heard him say it thousands of times this time was different.

A hot tear rolled down my cheek as I shivered against my wet clothes."And I love you that's why you have to stay away," I reached out and touched his face, "you have so much of this life to live and see and I'm done being the dark cloud that rains on it. Ben, you should be doing things Zane does. You should be going out and having fun instead of worrying about me all the time."

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