Tough times

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Jisung's POV.:

Given it was the weekend, we could spend our day however we wanted to. For 3racha that meant spending some fun time together in the studio. Just because we didn't have a schedule didn't mean we couldn't make music. It was our hobby anyway, so we didn't consider our session today as work. Well, to me it kind of was because it was mostly peer pressure from Chan and Changbin that brought me here. If I had really had a choice, I wouldn't even have gotten out of bed this morning. After going to bed with a headache last night, my entire body felt heavy and achy and I just wished my bed would swallow me up. I knew I needed to get up and get ready for today because I was usually the one to sleep in the longest, meaning my hyungs were probably already waiting for me. Not wanting to keep them waiting, I pushed of the blanket and swung my feet over the edge of the bed. Suddenly sitting upright, my head hammered and I took a few deep breaths before standing up. Today really didn't seem like it would be my day, especially when I had to hold onto the door frame for a few seconds to find my balance before even being able to stumble to the bathroom. While I was getting ready, I slowly figured out what was wrong with me. If the dark circles under my eyes contrasting my pale skin weren't enough of a sign, my nose starting to run halfway through brushing my teeth, finally made me accept I was sick. Since it probably wasn't much more than a small cold, I changed into sweatpants and a thick black hoodie before throwing a bunch of cough drops into my backpack and meeting my hyungs in the living room, ready to leave.

I should have probably known better than to just head out with them, not saying a word about the way I felt right now but it wouldn't be too bad right? Well, After only thirty minutes at the studio, I had to realize that my bed might really have been the best place for me to be. Over time my nose had only become runnier and I couldn't help the little sniffles that only managed to make me feel more stuffed up. With the congestion came the itchiness. At this point I was pretty sure my hyungs had caught on to what was happening but were to polite to call me out for it. It was kind of sad because I usually loved hanging out at the studio just playing around a bit without having to think of any deadlines. Today I wasn't enjoying it one bit. The pressure of the headphones made my headache worse and in an attempt to quell the buzz in my nose, I was rubbing my sleeve against it pretty much constantly. My head didn't only hurt now, it was also stuffed up and foggy. I doubted that any amount of sleep would have helped the hazy feeling but it was still frustrating since I was usually able to come up with lyrics on the spot and now my mind was completely blank. Somewhere along the way, my throat had started getting a bit irritated to, so I was frequently sipping on my water bottle to soothe it. Luckily, I had had the foresight to pack some cough drops though I would have been better helped with some tissues.

Jeongin's POV.:

I woke up to an empty room, which meant Jisung had probably left with 3racha like they often do on our free days. The next thing I noticed were soft cries coming from down the hallway, so I got up and followed the noise. When I pushed the door open, I found Felix curled up in his bed. Since Chan and Changbin were at the studio, he too woke up alone but what made his situation tough, was that the Aussie was a little, who often regressed on our days off. Chan and Changbin were his caregivers and waking up without them in sight always scared my friend. "Hey, Lixxie. Good morning, sunshine", I smiled, removing the blanket covering his face. The teary eyes and splotchy cheeks saddened me but it wasn't too uncommon of a sight. It was pretty unpredictable when he'd slip, so it often happened without his caregivers around, which always resulted in tears. By the innocent look and the pout on his face, I figured that he had slipped pretty young this time, so I picked him up the second he hesitantly made grabby hands at me. Dabbing away the last stray tears with the corner of his fluffy blanket, I got up and carried little Lixxie to the kitchen. Hopefully breakfast would distract him from missing his caregivers.

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