-I know you -

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" Silence ! Come in ! Introduce yourself to class ! " The teacher said.

I stepped into the class. Everyone looked and me and some people immediately started to whisper something to their friend but not loud enough for me to understand. The classroom was really big with huge windows. Some of them were open , sun was shining through and you felt a light breeze. The Sky was bright blue and you couldn't see a single cloud. I looked around and blushed as everyone was still looking at me.

" Hello my name is (L/N)(Y/N) ! Nice to meet you !" I finally said.

The silence.

Well that was awkward but the teacher finally said " Thank you (L/N) ! Please take a seat right next to the window."

My teacher pointed towards an empty chair at the back of the classroom. I am quite a shy person. I am open but only to close friends of mine that I have known for a long time. Thinking about that kinda makes me sad. I have moved to this school as its academically really good and since I want to have a high paid job in the future I need to go to a school that has a good reputation like this one. I sat down and looked out of the window. The weather was perfect for swimming.

" So please take your textbook out we are going to start with ..."

The first lesson was math. I am good in school ,well I am average. I like to do basic stuff such as drawing , gaming and watching movies or animes. Pretty basic if you would ask me. Sometimes I wish my life would be more exciting but at the same time I feel comfortable where I am now. I felt a small cool breeze on my face. I closed my eyes , let the sunshine hit my face and took one deep breath before focusing on my class.

" Hey you wanna eat some lunch with me ?" one of the female students said to me.

" Oh sure ! " I answered nervously.

" Sorry ! I haven't introduced myself ! My name is Yuma Yui but you can call me by my first name Yuma !" Yuma said while smiling.

She was really pretty. Yumas jet-black hair was very long and straight. Her skin was fair which would enhance her light-brown almond shaped eyes and her rosy lips. Her nose was small and her face was slim. She truly looked perfect and is probably really popular. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't jealous of her looks.

" Nice to meet you ! You can call me (Y/N)." I said while i smiled shyly.

The the top of the school building was an open area where some students could eat their lunch with some friends. The view was magnificent you could see the whole city. While we ate our lunch Yuma told me that she moved to this school a year ago. She knows how scary it is to move to a different city all by yourself. I told her that my parents gave me financial aid so that i can afford to move to a small apartment all by myself. I enjoy being finally independent but sometimes I felt lonely.

" So do you know what clubs you are going to join ?" Yuma asked while she bit of her sandwich.

" I was planning to join this one art club but I am not sure yet ,what about you ?" I asked Yuma.

" I am in the drama club. I would like to join more but I already have piano lessons after school." Yuma said while looking at the city.

She truly was perfect. I wasn't surprised that someone this pretty is interested in acting. I also admired the way she spoke with so much confidence. I shyly packed my stuff as I thought about how amazing she was.
It was already time for the next lesson so me and Yuma decided to go back to class. She was in the same class as mine but she sat at the font of the classroom ,while I sat at the back. She was paying lots of attention to class and would constantly answer the questions of the teacher. She had that confident smile and a great charisma.

She was literally the perfect girl.

The school was over and Yuma quickly said goodbye as she had to hurry home for her piano lessons. I wished that we both would have walked home but soon enough I will join a club too and will be just as busy as her. I daydreamed a bit more as I finally stood up. I slowly packed my stuff and walked down the main stairway.

" AHHH Okiawa-san you look so good today !" a girl screamed.

" Stay back he is mine !" a different girl said as she held one of his hands.

" No ! You guys are so annoying ! Sooo what are you doing today senpai !" another girl said , rubbing herself against his chest.

" Hey hey ! Cute girls like you shouldn't fight." Okiawa said while he smirked.

I walked past them while they continued fangirling over him. I knew exactly who he was. The great king Oikawa Tooru. One of the best settlers in Japan and he was handsome too. He was famous for perfectly leading the teammates and getting the best out of each single one. Over the time he has gotten a lot of fangirls and publicity. But no matter how great and awesome he was , i would never imagine dating him. It's not like that I think that I'm not pretty enough it's just that I think that he isn't ready to fully commit. I shook my head as I could believe that I was thinking about dating him. I finally got to my bike , unlocked my lock and rode home. The red-orange sunset was gorgeous and the air was comfortably cool. The streets were quite full as everyone from work was going home now. I got into my apartment, locked the door and just looked around. I had a tiny bathroom , a kitchen and another separate room with a bed. Yes ,my apartment was small but thats all I can afford right now. I got ready for bed and thought about my plants for this school.

Maybe I should join a different club instead of the art club....

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