Chapter 5 - Interludes One

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UA Staff Room –

"What are we going to do about Mineta?" Inui asked. This meeting was restricted to the available first-year Hero faculty, himself, and the Principal. Hizashi, Ken, and Nemuri were busy with the second day of the Sports Festival, so were unable to attend. Just as All Might was stuck in a battle in Nagoya. This left five men to decide the boy's fate.

As the guidance counselor for the Hero track, Inui was of mixed opinions about Mineta, at least he was now that he had gotten over his initial rage. If the boy had been within his reach when Ectoplasm had informed him of the little creep's actions, Inui would have ripped him to rubbery chunks. Now that a day had passed, the counselor was better able to think out it professionally. "The boy obviously has deep seated psychosexual issues. Appearently no one has ever held him to appropriate limits. The question is are we prepared to abandon Mineta because he made one stupid choice, or should we keep him at UA and work to give him an awareness of right and wrong, privacy and personal boundaries, and equip him with strategies to make better choices. He is fifteen. We don't have to give up on him."

"It wasn't just one stupid choice," Ectoplasm disagreed. "The boy had scouted the location beforehand, obviously planning on perving on someone in there. He said if he had made it into the second round, he would have missed the professional cheerleaders. But he admitted he had a plan to get his classmates to put on cheerleading outfits while he and a few of his classmates watched from hiding. It was premeditated and carefully planned. It is only Mineta being out of the running that saved his classmates from getting into trouble as well. The kid was brave, or smart, enough not to name his potential accomplices. We'll have to keep an eye on the whole class."

"It's out of our hands," Shota stated flatly. "This isn't just me giving my usual speech that we don't have time to waste on kids who have no chance to become successful heroes. You must have heard by now; the Foreign Ministry and the Hero Public Safety Commission are demanding his head."

"I've talked to the HPSC President. Unfortunately, I was unable to procure any leniency for the boy," Nezu admitted. "Mineta is permanently banned from Hero licensure in Japan. Therefore, keeping him in the program is untenable."

"What about moving him to General Education?" Inui inquired. "I could work with Okamoto to build a program to keep the boy in line."

"The Ministry is demanding full expulsion and arrest," Vlad said. The 1-B homeroom teacher was personally uninvolved in the issue, as Mineta was not one of his students. This made him the most objective person in the room.

"Why?" Inui asked. "This seems like a lot of trouble for what is really just a minor matter."

Ectoplasm snorted.

"No pun intended," the counselor growled at his friend.

"The Americans are using this incident as a public relations ploy in a large political game dealing mostly with North Pacific fishing rights." Vlad taught civics before he took on a homeroom, so he was the most cognizant of the larger political ramifications.

"Juvenile Division has already removed Mineta from his home," Shota reported darkly. "An expedited trial date is expected. His father will be lucky to keep his job. The whole family may have to leave Tokyo." Shota's tone was flatter than normal. The man presented as heartless, but Inui knew it was an act, at least partially. Mineta had only been Shota's student for a few weeks, but the teacher would be feeling some responsibility for the child's crime. The underground hero's wounds from the USJ and his conscription to announce with Hizashi were some mitigation for his error. But he was carrying a lot of guilt.

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