CunT is the creator of the blank space. He simply wanted to exist so he just spawned into the ( ) like a minecraft mob. He got quite bored of the ( ) so he created the blank space, the blank space was only different from the ( ) because it wasn't the ( ). CunT got really fucking bored so he made the blank space flashy and colorful, if someone where to take a step into the blank space they would immediately fall to the nonexistant floor and curl up in a ball and start crying and foaming from the mouth and have a spazam and heartattack and die and shit and piss theirselcevs. CunT got bored so he made sky daddy and sex they hgad an d CunT pissed in gids mouth "god is suck a uwu sussy baka bottom baby 69420 uwu owo wholesome baby boy111!!1!!!!!!!!!!!" CunT said. God/uwu baby/boy/hot/sexy/taken/looking for hot gf/DONT TOUCH MY TALE OR ELSe/anjel/deamon/hybrid/catboy sky daddy dudnnitnt klikr CunT sp he made hell and sent CunT to it, CunT got really fucking pissed off at jog, i mean like goddywoddy was his own creation. CunT crawled out of hell and saw god with a big tiddie blonde girlfriend with abasutely massave breasteses, like her honkermolonkers where 6969696969420 times amounts eloarger thatn the sun uwuw baka. CunT saw that athe big boobiehonkermalonkiesmommymilkers blonde woman wAs 69 monthes pegnt so CunT took his massive huge hyena paws and reached his hand so far deep up the bighonkiemommyboobiebigmilkersbreastes blonde tightgorrilagripwetasswateryhornypissandcumfilledcoochieanator69696996969669969696969969696969699696pussyvagina CunT's hand went all the way up through the bigmommymilkiesbreastes coochieforest he reached the humongussusboobviebigmommieymilkes womb and he grabbed tjhe baby and tore it right out of the bigboobiesbitchesbreasts body and right out the pussygorrilagrippussyflaps and blood poured right out the the BIGMOMMYMILKERSBIGBOOBIEBREASTESS BoDy and the BIGBOOBIEBREASTSMILKIESBOOBIESMOMMYMILKIESERS women looked like when you suck out all the cum out of a mans huge cockywocky and it look like a wrinkley ass deflated rubber balloon caprisun looking ass shit but anyways she was deflated as fuck and CunT has holding a 29 year old jeSUS christ CunT created a divorce atternoy and got a divorce with God and then CunT ckilled god anfd the divorece hoe and created a crafter tablre and did sex with jeSUS and then fucking killed jeSUS i guess he sucked the soul out of jeSUS's cock but yeah anyways. CunT got bored and made time and them the universe and everything execpt living creatures. CunT got sad and became a raging auchiholic then he became lonly and brocken so he created...
to be continued
430 words lol