I remember walking in and seeing my friends from elementary, I was so excited to start middle school but at the same time I was scared. I didn't really have any friends in my classes so most of the time I was alone in the back of the classroom the only people I talked to where my teachers but that was only because they knew my sister and brother which were already in high school. Days passed and mostly all my teachers made a seating chart and there he was the guy I would soon fall in love with. I was the only girl in a group of 4 they would only talk to me when they needed help in math but the guy I mentioned earlier his name is Ivan I didn't like him from the start so it wasn't love at first site or anything. He was the nicest one out the three boys Daniel and Lewis he had dated a lot of girls which I never cared about but everyone would say he was a player. As time went by we talked more and more one day I decided to send him that cringe stuff the one like " send me the color of one" it basically listed stuff like : yellow for your my best friend or blue if your your crush and then that one that where it said "white if I used to like you" and he said white.