The Chosen

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Hello everyone!!!!! I want to tell you guys that this is my first story so I hope you enjoy. Please don't be afraid to comment since I want this story to be awesome for you guys. Anyways, this is Chapter 1:The Chosen. Enjoy!!!!!!

Nobody's POV

The chosen were in their first class, Geometry, all happy and ready for what will happen for the day since each day was the same. But what they didn't know was that they were gonna be the Protectors of the Universe. What they also never knew that some of the 8th graders were evil trying to take control of the school. Their teacher was teaching them about CPCTC when the secretary had came on the intercom.



Secretary:Can you send Sidney,Van Anh,Rodolfo,Dayvon,Mayte',Areana,Aaron,Amber,Marcus, and A'voinyn(prounounced A-vee-on) to the auditorium. Dr.Rudolph and Mr.Sullivan are down there waiting for you.

Ms.Whitty:Alright.intercom turned off. You guys should take your stuff just in case you want come back.

Class: What did you guys do?

Chosen:We dont know

Ms.Whitty:Just go

They left the classroom and headed to the auditorium. They all had the same thought.

Mayte':What did we do?

Aaron:I dont know.

Marcus:Me neither.

Sidney: Well I hope we aren't in trouble cause I dont know what we did wrong.

They reach the auditorium. A'voinyn opens the door and they enter in. They see Dr.Rudolph and Mr.Sullivan onstage waiting for them. They are about to sit down when Dr.Rudoplh tells them not to. So they decide to stand without objection. Dr.Rudolph starts to talk.

Dr.Rudolph:We will not be talking here since students try to take peek in here. We will go to a secret place where we can answer your questions and tell you why you were called down here. Follow us.

They go to the right steps to go onstage.Mr Sullivan closes the stage curtains and tells them to go to the wall.They go to the wall and thy see a painted spiral on the wall made by the drama club performers last year.

Mr.Sullivan:Do you see this wall?


Mr.Sullivan:Behind it is a base where we will talk about everything.

Rodolfo:But how do we get behind the door.


Mr.Sullivan:You see that red pole thype thingy?


Mr.Sullivan:Touch it and then touch the middle of the spiral. Van Anh, how about you try opening the base.

Van Anh:Okay.....

Van Anh touches the red pole, then touches the spiral.  The wall glows and you see a brightly,colorful portal.


Dr.Rudolph:Who is going first????/

There was silence in the air for a few seconds. Everyone looks at each other. Then Marcus decided to step forward.

Marcus:I will.

Marcus steps forward in the portal. They don't see him anymore. They all wonder what happens to him until they hear him shout "COME ON." Mayte' steps in, then Dayvon, Amber,Aaron,Sidney,Van Anh,Rodolfo,Oliver, and A'voinyn step in one by one. Mr.Sullivan and Dr.Rudolph are the last people to enter the portal. When they come out out the portal, they find highly advanced technology around them. They find doors around the room as well. Mr.Robinson and Ms.Maddox, the AVID teachers, entered from one of the doors. Everyone was shocked to see them.

Mayte' and Marcus: Ms.Maddox??? MR.ROBINSON!!!!????

Rodolfo: What are you guys doing here?

Ms.Maddox: We are here to help you guys.

Amber: What do you mean by "help you guys?"

Mr. Robinson: You guys don't know?

He looks toward Mr.Sullivan and Dr.Rudolph.

Everyone: No.......

Ms.Maddox: You guys are the Chosen Elemental Protectors of the School.


I am sorry that i forgot to put other POV's and the character descriptions. The next update will be the characters' profile. So it won'ty be chapter. So after that update, there will Chapter 2 which will have diffent POV's. So see til next time. Please comment and vote!!! 

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