Chapter 2: Fox Village

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"You touched an enhancement rock just like me?" Nora asked Osore.

"Yeah...back when I was a little kid." Osore explained. When he was 5, he was playing by a creek with some friends when he slipped and fell into the stream. He thought he was going to drown when he felt his knee scrap against a rock and suddenly he felt the strength to swim against the stream and got out safe. He was confused about how he survived and went to his school to ask a smart teacher. They told him he must've touched an enhancement rock and he should try and discover his power. Osore eventually learned he possessed Kyōfu Doraibu, or Fear Drive. This allows him to enhance his speed or strength based on his own fear or his opponent's fear. He also received Fear Fang as a gift from his dad at age 11, or 5 years ago. This weapon has the curse, Fear. This means when drawn, it increases the fear of the enemy so it's perfect for Osore.

" keep getting cooler!" Nora felt up his muscles and he awkwardly laughed. While they finish their meals, Jack and Jake went to their houses. Their fathers were very respected men and the newcomer and outcast would pay for messing with their kids. The men began to gather citizens to form a mob.

"Ah~, that was a good meal!" Nora walked out of the tavern with Osore.

"Should I show you to the hotel now?" Osore offered.

"Yeah!" Nora was still energetic, even this late at night. Stars gleamed in the night sky as loud footsteps were heard by the two. Nora spun around, trying to identify the cause of the sound.

"You are the newcomer right?" An old man asked. He had long, silver hair and a curly mustache. He wore fancy clothes, a blue cardigan, and a white undershirt. He was rather plump and gave off important vibes.

"Yep! Nora Masayoshi of Joshi Village!" She smiled and Osore looks at her with terror.

"This is the mayor of Earthcliff and Jack's father." Osore told her.

"Yes, I am the mayor and it seems you are already terrorizing two boys. I assume you have been influenced by that lowlife Osore." He sighed. "This is the last straw Osore! I'm banishing you from this town!"

"W-What?...but this is my home..." Osore muttered in defeat as he fell to his knees. Jack and Jake laughed and The mayor was about to signal the police to escort him when Nora growled. Her gaze was down at her feet and she looks over at Osore. Then, she looked up at the mayor and he looked back.

"I won't let you banish Osore...he deserves to live here just as much as anyone else and I won't stand by and let you deal out unjust punishment." Nora clenched her right fist.

"You will fight The Earthcliff Elite Guard merely because I have done something you don't agree with?!" He yelled.

"No, I will fight because Osore is my friend and I won't stand by and watch this." Nora exclaimed. The mayor huffed and was about to give the signal when Nora threw a nasty right hook. The mayor saw stars and fell to the ground, blood staining his cheek. The guard quickly attacked and Nora began fighting.

"Invisible Shield!" Nora created a shield to block the guard. She threw a punch and took one out. She ducked under a fist and uppercutted him in the chin, breaking his jaw with a loud crack. Nora was no rookie at fighting, she had trained very hard and had skills. More of the guard attacked and Nora bobbed and weaved.

"Invisible Giant Fist!" A giant invisible fist made of her willpower crushed 10 guards and knocked them out. Nora cracked her knuckles.

"WHO WANTS SOME!" Nora yelled as she hadn't even broken a sweat.

"SHE'S NOT HUMAN! RETREAT!" Jake yelled and he ran away. Jack growled.

"I'll fight her! She's just getting lucky!" Jack rushed in and Osore stepped in. His left arm pulsed with muscle and he rammed his fist into Jack's face. His teeth shattered and he fell to the floor with a loud thud.

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