Chapter 20

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You, Emma, Gold, Neal and Henry are walking down the street, Henry and Neal in front, and the three of you trailing behind them. Henry is giddily conversing with his father. You start talking to Emma,

"So... whatcha thinking about Ems?"

"I'm trying to figure out exactly what you said to Neal when you shooed me out."

"Oh, just the usual, "Big Sis" talk... I simply explained that either I could be his friend, or he could be dead and unfindable... and it all depended on how he treats you and Henry..."

"Oh my God (y/n)."

"Hey, you do whatcha need to do to get your point across." You shrug

Emma mentally face-palms as the five of you reach the pizza destination. Neal and Henry go inside,

"Do you think that we should..." Emma asks

"If we were welcome, I feel confident an invitation would have been extended. It's a sad truth that the people closest to us are the ones capable of causing the most pain. That's our common ground Miss Swan." Gold finally speaks

"Guess my lying to him just caught up with me"

"Ah, give him time. He'll forgive you."

"Is that you projecting your own hopes?"

"My son and I have some way to go." Gold scoffs

"I can see that."

"I need you to speak to him. Try and convince him to come back to Storybrooke with us."

"If I recall, it was only one favor I owed you, and I think I'm paid up."

"and don't look at me... I'm paid up too, and also probably not the one you want trying to convince him to come back" You add, thinking about your earlier conversation.

"This isn't about me anymore. You'll do it for Henry." Gold explains

"How do you figure that?" Emma asks

"Well, because if you don't, you're gonna wake up one morning and discover he's hopped a bus back to New York. He ran away to Boston to be with you. He'll do the same thing for his father."

"Until Neal lets him down, which he will. It'll be a hard lesson but then at least Henry will understand that I lied to protect him."

"Someone's beginning to sound a lot like Regina. I think the real reason you lied was to protect yourself."

~Girl you've been called out on the same thing by two different people, not to mention you admitted it yourself...~

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"From getting hurt again" He repeats

"That's not happening."

"You want a second chance with that man."

"What makes you think that?"

"I'm sadly, gonna have to agree with Gold on this one Ems. I can see it in the way you look at him." you agree

"You have no idea what—" she begins but is interrupted by Neal and Henry walking up.

"What are we talking about?" Neal chirps

"Emma, Neal wanted to show me the museum. Do you think we can go back to the apartment and get my camera?" Henry asks

"Yeah, well, I... kids like culture, right?" Neal smiles

"Sure. Yeah, that's fine." She responds and then turns to Henry, "You like the New York pizza?"

"Yeah. It's delicious, cheesy, and doesn't lie." Henry smirks up at her. You just bite your tongue.

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