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-suggestion of suicide

Please if these subjects make you uncomfortable then don't read this story

Narrators pov
Middle school

A girl with long black hair that grew greener as it reached the ends, was sat on the edge of a school building 6-7 stories high dangling her legs of the edge, her shoes placed neatly on the other side of the railing with a doll in one of the shoes and a note under it.

She looks up the the sky thinking about how things got to where they are...

Several hours earlier

Izumi was on her way out of her home double checking she had everything:
-her school books
-her pens/pencils
-her hero analysis for the future #14
-and her doll...

She looked through her bag again not seeing it as she starts panicking, frantically looking for it all over the house till she runs into the kitchen to ask her mum.

Izumi-"MUM HAVE YOU SEEN MY!-" she stopped her yelling when she saw her mum talking to the doll as she prepares breakfast. Izumi breaths a sigh of relief as she sits at the table.

Inko-"sorry sweetie I didn't mean to scare you she was dirty so I cleaned her up" she responds, placing a bowl of katsudon on the table for izumi

Izumi without a second thought devoured the whole katsudon instantly, a satisfying sigh escapes her lips as she stands up and slings her back over her shoulder.

Izumi-"thank mom see you soon" she chimes as she opens the door to there apartment, waving goodbye to her mum

Inko-"have a good day honey" she says giving izumi a warm smile as izumi walks out the door her doll in her pocket.

On her way to school she made sure the doll was OK and wouldn't need repairing. The doll had dark green hair reaching just below its 'shoulders' similar to izumis. Two black buttons were in the place of its eyes giving it a lifeless stare, tho to izumi it was comforting. Its mouth had stitches on it to outline it. It had a bit of white fabric for a shirt with "shirt" written on it and some black fabric trousers.

Once her inspection was done she continued on her way to school, preparing herself for the hell to come. She was always bullied for having a doll eith being called a creep or a baby for having a doll.

She entered the school gates and before she can even react a pen is thrown at her hitting her in the forehead. The group start laughing as one of them grabs a small stone and throws it hitting her in the head again.

She looks down at the ground as she walks over to the door, the group continuing to throw things as she finally opens the school door as a bucket of water is dropped on top of her. Everything from her hair to her shoes were drenched in water.

The groups laughing rose as a few other kids joined them in there laughing. She continued to walk till she made it to the classroom and sits down clearly in view of the teacher... The teacher who couldn't care less about her.

She sat soking wet, waiting for the worst to come. She hears the classroom door slam open as katsuki and his minions walk in. He scans the room seeing a wet mess of hair sitting in a chair and scoffs.

Katsuki-"the fuck are you doing here you useless deku!?" he shouts at her slamming his hands into her desk making explosions as he does.

Izumi looks up at scared and confused till she looks down at the desk seeing the only thing on it is the scorch marks from katsuki.

Izumi-" s-sorry k-k-kacchan" she quickly stands up and rushes over to a small, short desk in the back.

The desk is covered in writing all aimed to insult izumi and remind her of what she is, the table and chair are scorched black, a prominent detail of the desk is four holes that look like screws could fit into with a inprint of a square around each hole.

She rests her arms on the desk, each wrist landing between the holes with red marks around them that line up perfectly with the inprints on the desk.

She sits at the desk her legs out straight due to how small the desk is as she waits for the class to start and to end.

The teacher stands up holding some papers in his hand as he tells up its time for us to pick what we want to do in life as everyone grouns.

Teacher-"... But I know you all want to be heroes!" he says as everyone exclames in excitement showing off there quirks. "calm down everyone you know your not allowed to use your quirks in class" he says right before katsuki speaks

He goes on a rant about how he's better than everyone and that they'd be lucky to end up as a sidekick to some d list hero when the teacher looks at the papers seeing a name that he didn't recognise.

Teacher-"ummm... Does anyone know a 'izumi midoriya'? It says she wants to be a hero" he finishes as everyone falls silent.

They look around trying to figure out who they are, no one knew who it was not even katsuki knew who the name belonged to, the teacher called out the name as izumi held her hand up. It took the teacher a few minutes and a few warning to finally see the arm that was raised up.

Teacher-"you in the back are you new to the class?" he asked izumi responded with a piece of paper with a big 'no' on it and held it high enough for him to see.

While the teacher remained confused the whole class was shouting at her, saying how stupid she was for wanting to be a hero and she should just offer a hero to be there punching bag.

Katsuki was livid, he slammed his foot onto her desk causing the charged desk to crack.

Katsuki-"think your better than me shity deku!?" he screamed in her face making explosions with his hands holding them close to her face.

She quickly shakes her head not thinking such trying to explain but couldn't find her voice as the school day continued, it was soon the end of the tournamenting day and her time to head home when katsuki and his cronies decided to torment her some more.

Izumi was about to put her hero not book in her bag, when katsuki took it and gave it to his lackies who started making fun of izumi. They were leaving when katsuki said something that would change izumis life forever.

Katsuki-"maybe you should take a Swan dive off the roof and hope for a quirk in your next life" he said before laughing with his friends as he walks out.

The sentence ringed through out izumis head over and over, a single tear falling from her eyes as she utters something.

Izumi-"... OK" she finished packing and heading for the roof.


So new book and its taking a far different narrative than my other ones so I hope you don't mind

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