Stalking Ex The Storm

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 I lurk around the corner, with my finger crossed hoping you won't be there

Theres so many people in this hallway. Theres so many people in this school. but some how you always find me

There's no exscape. It's like theres a built in gps in your mind but unfortunetley for me it's stuck on my destination.

There's a million other people in the world, why me!?

Your my ex. I don't want you in any aspect of my life any longer, but no matter how many times it is told to you, the message deosn't seem to break through your firewall

On the outside I wear a low cut shirt in hopes someone will notice me. But the only one who seems to notice me is you.

I go to sit with people at lunch, they vacate as if I had a rare tropical disease that I was unaware of

The only disease I seem to have is the one you left on my skin that only others can spot. It crawles through my blood like a parasite, that slowly penetrates my psychie.

As I sit all alone while the dark storm grows so big it could fill an ocean


  I go home with tears bubbling in my eyes, each and every day as I wonder what  is that I'm doing wrong?  Is it me? Well of course it's me I mean  it has to be me

I drag myself through the halls wondering what's wrong with me as I wish I could be taken by flying monkeys to a place far far away from here but I actually think you would still find me

You throw cruel words at me day by day feeding the  dark storm roaring inside bearing me even deeper than I already am

There's no ware to turn. Every cruel word you spew at me, my tolerance lowers. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I feel that i'm going to explode like a volcanoe, and your not gonna like me when I explode. 

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