Chapter 2 - Insecurites Part 2

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Kou POV:

    I start to feel Nao shaking beside me. It's really subtle but I can still feel it. I look at him and notice him rapidly blinking and his lips trembling.

"Nao, is t-this too sad for you?? We can watch a...a different movie if you want!", I suggest as I pause the TV.

Nao gently shakes his head as he tries to smile through the few tears that escape his eyes. He wipes them away and continues to shake his head, but still doesn't say anything. After a minute, he finally croaks, "N-no, it's ok, a little emotional is all. Gilbert telling Violet that he doesn't need her just...hit hard. But it's ok!"

    "O-oh okay...Nao, are you sure you want to continue?"

    "Uhm-" before Nao could finish, my dad came through the door.

    "Kou? What is Nao doing here?", he says as he puts down the groceries.

     "Oh, hi dad, we were just watching a movie."

     "Oh well it is kind of late. Nao, would you like to join us for dinner before you go home?", my dad asks as he heads to the kitchen.

"Uh no thank you, Mr. Sakuragi, I'll just go eat dinner at my place ," he replies as he heads over to the door.

I lead Nao out through the door and say bye to him. Eating dinner with my dad is awkward, since we barely talk. We each attempt to start some small talk but fail. Eventually, we both give up and silently eat our meal, until his phone rings.

        "Sorry honey, I need to take this," he sighs and walks upstairs and into his room. Once he leaves, I sigh and finish eating, then go up to my room. I lie in bed and grab my phone, sending Nao a text.

Hey Nao, I had a lot of fun with you today, thank you so much. You're getting better  at playing video games.
He responds quickly. It was a lot of fun! You're more awesome tho! I love you! G'night~ (><)

I blush and turn off my phone. I'm not really sure how to respond to that and just thinking about texting 'I love you' makes me blush bright red. I get up and grab my console, deciding that I can stay up a little while longer.
I log into the game and decide to try one of the advanced quests. This will keep me up for a while.

Nao POV:

I make my way to my computer and search up 'How to get better at gaming'. I keep trying all of the hacks and tips that it gives me, but no matter how hard I try, I just can't improve.

"UGH!", I exclaim, as I hit my computer screen. I bury my head in my hands, trying to keep myself together.
I need to improve... if I don't, she'll get bored and leave me...

"I'll be fine if I just pull one all nighter, right?"

— The Next Day —

Kou POV:
      I head to class but notice Nao hasn't come yet. He usually isn't late, I wonder where he is. 5 minutes after class starts, he barges into the classroom.

"Sorry! Sorry! It'll never happen again!", he exclaims, sitting at his seat. The teacher gives him a subtle nod then continues her lesson.

I look over at him as I write my notes. He looks dazed and starts to blink a lot. I wonder if he stayed up late... he usually sleeps sometimes around 10:00.  After a while, he falls asleep during class. Unfortunately for him, the teacher notices immediately. "Naoya Nifuji! Wake up this instant! You're in class!", she snaps.

He shoots up and looks around as if he's been kidnapped. When he realizes he isn't, he lies his head back down on his desk.  "5 more minutes Hirotaka...," he mumbles.

The class bursts out laughing and he looks extremely confused. " there an audience in my room...? I didn't know you had friends..."

The class starts laughing again and this time, I join in. The teacher angrily walks to his desk and knocks on the wood of his desk.

"Wrong, we're in math class and you fell asleep! This isn't funny, I expected better from you. Go to the principal's office this instant."

Nao's head darts up again and he seems alert. "What?! No, please Miss!"

"This isn't negotiable. Now, Naoya," she says flatly. His head drops down and he nods, picking up his backpack and leaving the room.

"Miss, may I go to the bathroom?", I ask, raising my hand. She nods suspiciously and continues her lesson. I rush out of the classroom and run to Nao. He's practically sleepwalking when I reach him.

" Nao-chan! Wh-what was that?? That's never happened before!"

He looks over at me and gives me a lazy smile. "Huh? Oh, I just got a little sleepy. I didn't have my morning coffee?"
I nod slowly and sigh. "Try to s-stay awake, o-okay? I don't want you getting in more trouble..."

Nao nods and continues to walk to the principal's office. I go back as quickly as I can so the teacher won't think anything happened. After the first 3 classes pass, we start to go to the cafeteria for lunch.

    "Hey Kou-kun, where's Nao-chan?", Yo-kun asked as carries his tray.

    "Oh well, he got lunch detention. It should be over though, so let's just wait for a bit," I say as we head over to the table that Ken-chan is sitting at.

After lunch, I head to our 4th class. Nao's sitting at his desk with a thermos. He seems very awake and smiles when he sees me, Yo-kun, and Ken-chan enter the classroom. We wave back and head to our assigned seats.

Nao POV:

       10 cups of coffee. And the eleventh is in the thermos on my desk. I don't even wanna know how I haven't exploded with energy. On the bright side, I'm awake. Ken-chan sits beside me and we both start chatting about what I missed until class starts. I manage to stay awake and take notes this time.

       The remaining classes come and go and I'm finally at Starbocks, selling coffee to my happy customers. Kou and I didn't get to hang out since she needed to head to the library so right after my shift ends, I head to my apartment and begin playing games for beginners. Maybe if I take baby steps, I'll improve.
    By the end of the day, I understand only a little more. Maybe, just maybe...I can pull another all nighter. I just need coffee to wake me up and that's easy to make. I decide it's a good idea and open up one of the games Hirotaka lent to me. It's glitchy but playable.

Third person POV:

       The rest of the week is the same. Nao secretly pulls all nighters and drinks multiple cups of coffee. Though he's awake for the most part, the bags forming under his eyes don't go unnoticed and his friends begin to worry. He always waves it off until one day, right at the end of their last class, he falls to the ground.

End of part 2, be prepared for tea in part 3 ☕️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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