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It started a year after Sapnap and George first started going out. It wasn't like George saw it coming, after all, they were the picture perfect couple. They touched each other, whether aware of it or not, no matter who they were around. They did what any regular movie couple would do and baked, had snowball fights, and experienced loving moments anybody else would kill for. To George, it was only Sapnap and him.

He was sure Sapnap had felt the same way.

It wasn't until long after their honeymoon phase did they start arguing. Small, petty fights that always left them sleeping on opposite sides of the bed; the house they bought and cherished together. They still had those loving moments, but it was always like Sapnap was just out of George's grasp, even if he was an arm's length away.

Despite Sapnap being around all the time, in the same room as him, George felt off.

George felt alone.

He didn't want to hold onto the fact that Sapnap was sick of him though, because Sapnap was all that he had. He had good friends but they would never compare to how Sapnap made him felt. Loved, welcomed, special, that was everything Sapnap could make him feel just by being in his presence. Once again, he thought Sapnap felt the exact same way. 

That thought process shatters entirely when Sapnap introduces him to his new friend, Dream.


From then on, Sapnap talks to him a lot less than before. Like, a lot less. He was always on his phone, or watching a movie, or out of the house and avoiding George completely. This was just a phase, George thinks. A phase that Sapnap and him would work through like any long-term, committed couple would do. Thats just how they prove they love each other. They go through rough bumps and communicate their way through their problems, like some sort of dumb fucking love test, testing just how committed the participants were.

George was more committed to Sapnap than he had been in any other relationship. 

More committed to Sapnap than he had been to any other person. 

He didn't find it very fair that Sapnap wasn't even trying, and when it finally snaps in George's head like a rubber band he was quick to call Sapnap. His boyfriend of one year. The one who is supposed to act like he gives a shit. One ring, two rings, three rings, four rings, five- and then its Sapnap's voicemail.

"Hey! Can't come to the phone right now, but it'd be rad if you could-" Sapnap's honeyed tone was cut off by George pressing the hang-up button, absolutely fuming as he glares at his phone.

With narrowed eyes, he tightens his grip around his phone until he's sure he's about to break the damned thing, and then his grip loosens and his phone drops onto the mattress. He wants to break something, tear something to shreds, or even bash something in with a sledgehammer. For a second, that something really sounds more like Sapnap's head, but those thoughts cloud George's brain for only a second before he's throwing them out of his mind. He couldn't be thinking like that. Sapnap has problems, just like George does.

That isn't an excuse to ignore you though, is it, George?

George stares at his phone for a few more minutes, a softened expression going back to a furious one when Sapnap's face pops up on his screen. Quickly, almost too quick, George presses the accept button and presses the cold phone against his right ear. 

"Where are you right now? I want to talk to you," George says, trying his best to conceal his anger. It seems to be hard considering how much his hands are shaking.

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