2.3 Ice Pick

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Scott and Allison were climbing up the rock wall in gym class. Scott had found certain occasions where he could try to flirt with Allison and she just shot him down. Stiles and I had previously went before the two of them and we were enjoying watching this.

Scott fell down onto the mat and Coach laughed. "McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." Scott glared up at Stiles who had snickered at him. "All right, next two. The wall." Coach blew his whistle and the pair went up onto the rock wall.

Erica's partner had gone up the wall and kicked off of it while she still stood there. Erica started panicking and everyone surrounded the rock wall. "Erica." I stated worriedly.

"Erica. Dizzy. Is it vertigo?" Coach asked.

"Actually, vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear." Lydia corrected him and Coach looked at her in confusion and disgust.

"I'm fine." Erica called out, but she wasn't fine and everyone could see that.

"Coach, maybe it's not safe." I suggest.

"You know she's epileptic." Allison adds.

"Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff?" Coach asked annoyed. Coach moved closer to the rock wall trying to calm Erica down, but failed miserably. "I have to get- Erica, you're-you're fine. Just-just kick off from the wall. Th-there's a mat to catch you." Erica began to cry. Coach's tactics weren't working.

"Hey, Erica." I called up and she looked back down at me, "You're going to be all right. You just need to kick off the wall and you'll be safe, all right?" Erica nodded slowly. "Ready?" Erica pressed her feet harder against the wall before pushing off and landing harshly onto the mat. "See? You're okay."

"Let's go. Shake it off. You're fine." Coach snapped harshly.

The rest of the class erupted into laughter and I looked at Erica. She ran off into the locker rooms, not able to tolerant any looks or comments she may have received from the others. Erica deserved better than this.

After I had changed, I walked over to check on Erica and see how I could help her, but she wasn't in the locker room. I couldn't find her. I rushed outside and I saw Scott standing there. Erica stumbled, falling off the rock wall, and Scott rushed over and caught her. He sighed placing her on the mat as she started convulsing. I rushed over to his side.

"Put her on her side." I order. Scott nodded doing as I told him.

Allison rushed over to us, Stiles following shortly after. "How'd you know?" Allison asked.

"I just felt it." Scott stated.

After what had happened we went to lunch. Scott still felt nervous as he still felt the metallic taste in his mouth after what had happened with Erica. He felt her pain. He helped her. Stiles kept on talking, but neither of us were listening to him as we looked at Erica as she entered the cafeteria. Our eyes widened as Erica walked in completely healed. She walked up to a boy, taking the apple from his plate, and biting into it.

Lydia walked towards our table. "What... the holy hell... is that?" Lydia exclaimed as she slammed her hands onto the table.

"An entrance." I admitted.

"It's Erica." Scott said sending me a glare.

Scott and I got up before we rushed after her. We made it outside to see that Erica got into Derek's camaro. Derek smiled over at us before he sped off, exiting the high school and leaving us behind.

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