Izuku Midoriya Origins

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Aizawa sensei put CD and black screen appeared, but at that moment mobile alarm sounded. Few jumped at sudden noise but I facepalmed. "Sorry guys I didn't pray. You start without me, I can catch up later." Everyone just nodded, I ran towards bathroom, took wudhu and ran to my room and started prayer.

3rd POV

"Why don't we just wait for her?" Denki asked "She doesn't like to rush in her prayer, plus after it she likes to read few pages of holy book. So she will be gone for a while." It was surprisingly Mina who answered and got few wearied looks. "What?" asked girl confused. "How do you know that?" Sero asked, she shrugged. "Few days ago I accidentally stumbled on her while praying, it took half an hour and after that she started reading, that took an hour.... She has a lot of patience that is all I'm going to say." Everyone were shocked at revelation. Japanese people weren't very religion orientated, mostly praying once, twice a year but here she was, their classmate praying five times a day and taking her sweet time doing so whenever she can. "Well that is what I call dedication to something..." Sato said and few nodded in agreement.

"Well then let's start. Midorya, start it." Aizawa commented still a little stunned. He knew of his student being very dedicated to her faith giving that he, himself gave her class slip whenever she needs to pray. But the information of how long it actually takes when she has time on her hands is truly surprising but admirable.

After black screen little Midoriya standing in front of red haired kid, first with tears in corners of his eyes other kneeling on the ground crying.

That's mean Kacchan, can't you see he is crying? If you keep going I-I will never forgive you! Little Midoriya said

Shocked looks were thrown Bakugo and Mirodriya's way.

"What the...." Bakugo whispered as he stole glance at the green haired boy, who looked pale.

"Midoriya are you okay?" Ojiro asked

"We don't have to watch if you don't want us...." Uraraka said green haired boy shook his head. "I'm fine we can continue."

Even though you are quirkless you are pretending to be a hero, Deku? Bakugo asked

This caused some eyebrows to raise... "Man... Why do you insist that he is quirkless?" Sero asked rubbing back of his head, blonde boy just tched and turned his head back to the screen. Taking the hint that neither wanted to speak of it, they shut up.

But when everyone looked back at the screen, they saw the trio lunging at the poor boy. Next scene showing Midoriya with his body sprawled out on the ground, boy he tried to protect standing above him crying.

Some judgmental looks were thrown Bakugo's way, but other than that everything was silent.

"All men are not created equal." Deku started narrating.

Clouds passed by as Midoriya continued narrating.

"This was the reality I learned about society at the young age of four."

A foot splashed in a puddle, Deku running down the street.

"And that was my first and last setback."

A giant stood in the middle of a railroad, roaring while Deku stopped running, staring in awe at him.

Manga like panel showed...

'Izuku Midoriya'

A huge crowd had gathered, watching the giant.

"That's a huge villain!" Midoriya exclaimed.

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