Chapter 2 And Author's Note

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Rimuru:Diablo can you goto Tempest and tell me everything afterwards?

Diablo:I will, my lord

Rimuru:thanks, have a nice trip!....... Ranga

Ranga came out of Rimuru's shadow once Rimuru called him

Ranga:yes master? Do you need anything?

Rimuru:lets go to Iruma and Asmodeous

Ranga:yes master!!

Rimuru rode Ranga's back, Ranga went to Iruma and Asmodeous while having Rimuru at his back

Rimuru:Iruma hi

Iruma:hi Rimuru!!

Asmodeous:Hello lady Rimuru

Rimuru:no need to call me 'lady' just be casual "to be honest it's because its weird for a guy like me to be called a lady.."

Asmodeous:yes Rimuru-San

Rimuru:I have a gift for you Iruma-
Wait who's this green haired girl?

Clara:I'm Clara! Nice to meet you Rimuruchii

Rimuru:you too Clara

Hello this is the author and I just wanna say that I lost motivation in writing so I will not be posting any chapters or making new stories for a while... I'm sorry but I wanna focus on my classes since my grades are failing. Bye :D I will publish on all of my stories once I get my motivation back.

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