The beginning.

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It was a new morning, except you weren't very exited. Every morning was the same, your mom would scream "Y/N BREAKFAST IS DONE!", then you would get dressed and go eat while your dad would lecture you on how you needed to work harder on the farm. 15 minutes has passed and your mother still hasn't screamed your name, you thought it was weird but you weren't worried necessarily. You decide to get dressed and head downstairs.

You finally arrive downstairs and see that your mom was sleeping on the couch. "Poor mother", you sighed and put a blanket over her shivering body. She worked almost all day and al, night to keep this house while your dad did farm work to keep food on the table. Which most would find interesting as women are the ones Who should cook and do farm work while the men work and sit on their butts at home, but our family was different and non of us really minded it.

(Y/n is now is 1st person view meaning using "I, my, mine,")

I decide to eat some bread with homemade jam and go upstairs. Today I needed to get potatoes and some new cleaning supplies for our home. Usually we don't by our vegetables or fruits but we were running low on potatoes once This winter hit us hard and we haven't grown more than 10 potatoes, which is unusual because we usually grow 50 after winter at least. After putting on my cargo pants and a white t shirt and some black boots I head out. As a women my mom always taught me to pack pepper spray, a pocket knife that my dad customized for me, and some brass knuckles. It made me feel safe but also I wondered why I needed so many things when I could just punch people if they tried to hurt me, but of course women are seen as "weak". 

I finally arrive at town and tied my horse on a tree not to far from the stands, her name was beans which I thought was cute because she was a brown horse with black and white spots and they looked like beans. I walked up to one of the stands and got some potatoes and put them in my bag. Then when I was about to walk away I felt a hand grab my wrist, I looked back to see a man with a knife. "Give me your horse and bag, now or you will die." He said sternly I quickly dropped my bag and with my other hand slapped him in the face, he let go of my wrist and then grabbed another knife from his pocket, but before he did anything I was already behind him with my pocket knife slightly poking his back. "You are going To put away your knifes and walk away from me slowly showing your hands into the air until I can't see you, do I make myself clear?!" I said with my teeth grinding each other. "Yes ma'am." He said shaking. The man walked away as I told him to and then I put away my knife. 

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