Chapter 18

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Joe's POV
I know she didn't just call me Jonathan
I pulled my head from her kitty slowly giving myself time to relax. I looked at her but she had her eyes closed. So I walked over to my shirt putting it back on. When she opened her eyes she looked really scared.
"Baby it was a mistake......I'm sorry"she said in a whisper
"What's been going on between you and Jonathan Tamar"
"Nothing baby"
"Tamar...look at me do you honestly think I'm a fool"
"No baby you don't but-" I cut her off
"So what's been going on between you and Jonathan"
" you think I'm cheating on you Jo"
"Tamar please put on your clothes so I can take you home."
As instructed she got out of my bed, put on her clothes and got in the car to get taken home. While I'm locking up, I can't help but think about her cheating on me. If she's not cheating.....she must be in love with this Jonathan kid.

Jonathan's POV
I've been sitting in front of Tamar's house for a while now. How did I know where she lived? I followed her home one day after school.
I need to talk to her, I need her back in my life. I broke things off with Kalina so that was one thing already taken care of. As I'm sitting there this car pulls up. While Tamar is stepping out of it it speeds off causing her to fall.
I jumped out if the car,"Aye are you ok?"
She just looked at me for three minutes straight maybe a little confused.
Finally I just walked up to her to help her get up and walked her to her doorstep. I stood there to make sure she got in but she still hadn't said a word. She gave me I guess an "invite" into her house by just leaving her door wide open. I walked in the house and I was truly amazed.She had this place looking fly.I sat on the couch in my own thoughts until she spoke,
"What are you doing here?"
"Well I kinda came to see you."
She tilted her head a little bit,"well now you see me what may I help you with"
Someone obvious had an attitude
"Baby look-"GCO
"I am not your baby Jonathan"
"Ok well Tamar I'm sorry. I should have never even let Kalina come onto me or even let her in the house without you being there I'm truly sorry. I love you with all of my heart. I know I fucked up pretty bad but I'm not gonna stop until I make you see that I really need you in my life. Not being able to call you baby or being able to hold you is killing me Tamar-" GCO
"JONATHAN STOP.......three long years I waited for you to come back for me THREE YEARS but you never did. You LET me walk out the door. And i waited in front of the house for a good hour and a half and you never came out and neither did she.So answer me this question if you will. What did you do the moment I left." Her face was red now
"OK OK OK....I umm....I had sex with Kalina"
"Did you ever think of me while you were having sex with her Jonathan?"
"Have you ever called my name while having sex with her? Huh?"
"No, not that I remember"
"Right just like I thought. You don't love me. While I was hurting you were enjoying another women. For THREE full years I didn't even have sex with anybody and like a fool I was still holding on to my virginity for you. But you just had to get you some Kalina. Ha.Tonight I was supposed to give it over to someone else but I couldn't. Why you may ask because I was thinking about you and I..... I called your name," she was in tears now," you made me believe that we were in love. You said and did things that no other man has even offered to me and I love you.but at the same time I hate you. So please leave."
She was crazy if she thought I was leaving "nope"i said popping the p
"Jonathan I'm not playing with you right now"
"Ok don't play with me I'm still not leaving."
I just kissed her I didn't want to here her screaming right now. She didn't kiss back right away but eventually she did before pushing me away.
"I have a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend we shouldn't be doing this"
"No you shouldn't be doing this I don't have a girlfriend."
"You broke up with Kalina?"
Tamar's POV
What a surprise he broke if with the it. I'm not gonna front that kissed got me turned on. Maybe a little fun with him won't be so bad after all. I wrapped my legs around him facing him giving him a long passionate kiss. He eventually deepened the kiss picking me up and taking us into my room.
"I can't-"GCO
"Don't Tamar. Remember he left you here by yourself. If I weren't here you would be walking around crying over that nigga. Let me love you!"
"Jonathan I'm not about to have sex with you. But I will invite you to spend the night if that's what you please." I said as I went to go change into a long t-shirt.
"That's cool with me ma. But now you got a nigga all hard."
"Goodnight Jonathan"
"Goodnight my ass your helping me with this"
"The lotion is in the bathroom"
"No your helping me with this"
I closed my eyes going to sleep. He had me messed up if he thought I was bouta help him with his little problem. All of the sudden I felt a shift in the bed, I thought he was gonna leave. But after like two minutes later I felt his fingers slide in my kitty and my eyes shot open"
It was too late to stop him now. He put his head under the cover and went to work.
*The Next Morning*
I woke up later than usual. Then I remembered it was Saturday. When I got out of the bed I felt s breeze and when I looked down and I was completely naked. Last night hit me. I turned around and Jonathan was sleeping peacefully. I went and got in the shower and got dress. This nigga still sleep. So I went in the kitchen and made some chocolate chip pancakes. Of course I heard him come in the kitchen. When I turned around to greet him, I bumped into him.
"Well goodmorning beautiful"
"Goodmorning Jonathan"
"Awe chocolate pancakes for me you shouldn't have."
"There not for you actually you have to cook for your self" I said with a smile
"Tamar"he said while pouting
"Yes Jonathan"
"Gimme some"
"No go cook your own"
"I'll pay you"
"Cash only"
He reached in his pocket and pulled out forty bucks. I grabbed it and gave him the plate.
"Wow I can't believe you just made me pay for food when I'm a guest in your house."
"You are not a guest anymore. I invited you to stay the night, this is morning so you are no longer my guest."
"See now that right there is cold. But I was thinking, you should let me take you out today I mean I know you have nothing else to do."
"Umm how do you know I ain't got nothing to do."
"Cause it's Saturday, you use this day to go to sleep and go shopping and all that other girly stuff."
"Ok whatever are you gonna tell me where we are going."
"Do I ever tell you."
"We aren't dating so you could tell me."
"Well I'm not so I'm gonna go take a shower."
"But you don't have any clothes here."
"Yes I do, there in my car." He said with a smile, "I came prepared for anything."
"Of course you did."
It took him 3 hours to get dress. When I went in my room to check up on him he was putting on his shoes.
"Well it took you long enough."
"Now you know ya boy gotta stay fresh."
"Can we please go now."
"Aight leggo."
We whinded up going to the movies to see the new Spongebob movie then we went to his house. When I walked in I was shocked.
"You haven't changed a thing."
And when I say not a thing like nothing. He still had pictures of us hanging around and everything. All the things I returned to him were in the same place they were when I dropped them off and put them on the couch.
"Yeah pretty much."
"I thought you would have at least taken the pictures down considering you had a new girlfriend and all."
"I mean of course she felt some type of way but I mean we all knew I was gonna come back for you eventually."
"Wow, make me sound so special." I said sarcastically while sitting down.
We spent the rest of the day just talking and we made lunch. We were kind of like best friends with some benefits. We we're watch tv when someone knocked on the door. When Jonathan opened the door his father walked in the house.
"Hey son."
"Pops what are you doing here."
"What I can't come to see my own son now."
"You know we don't talk so please leave."
"Is this about that girl?"
"What are you talking about."
"Is this about...what's her name Tamia."
I had enough of this man.
"It's Tamar."
He turned around with a shocked face.
"Ummm....Jonathan I thought you said y'all broke up."
"We did"
"So why is she here"
"Mr.Darnell why I'm here is non of your concern."
"Young lady I don't have time for your little attitude today, I'm talking to my son."
"Pops she's right though it's non of your concern."
"Ya know what I'm just gonna leave you and your little brat alone."
"Bye pops"
And with that he was gone.
"Anyways put on your shoes."
"Because I'm taking you somewhere"
"Jonathan I don't do all this traveling stuff no more"
"Just come on."
He blind folded me and put me in his car when we got to the mystery place he took of my shoes and carried me to only God knows where. When he finally put me down I felt grass.
"Jonathan where are we?"
"Tamar give me a sec just trust me."
When he took of the blind folders off I was in awe of what I saw (pic in mm)

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