first day of school

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It is ino's first day in this new school,  and she very happy.

Iruka :Hello class good morning.               class: Good morning  mr iruka
Iruka : Today we have a new student  welcome her class , come in ino 
Ino : Hey  I'm ino its nice to meet you all
Iruka: sit next to sakura so we can get started

Once it is recess iruka let the class go
As ino was walking around the playground she saw three classmates bullying a beautiful girl with pinkhair.

Ino: Hey what are you doing to her
Student 1 : Nothing just having fun wanna join us
Ino: No , now get off her
Student 2 : fine you're no fun
Ino:  hey you ok ?
Sakura: yeah I'm good
Ino: Ha ok then anyways want to be my friend
Sakura:  Oh yeah , sure thing

From there on ino gained many friends so now let's time skipp to there first year of middle school

At lunch:  hey ino
Ino : Hah naruto need something?
  Naruto: oh no but  where's sakura  
Ino : no clue anybody no where she is?
Choji: She told me  she's was going to the bathroom 20 minutes ago
Ino: Oh thanks choji but we should look for her
Kiba : Ok then let's go everybody 

Hey I hope you like this one 😊 and sorry I am so bad at this 😅

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