Chapter 2

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As Annie made the walk from Sullivan's to The Corner Spa, her mind was playing vicious games. Somehow knowing Ty was back broke the floodgates that had kept all of the memories of their young relationship carefully stashed away. She could see him everywhere. They had walked this town a hundred times over as teenagers, desperate to get away from the watchful eyes of their parents. Not to mention all the places where they hid out in his car and fogged up the windows. They had gotten 3 perfect months. One summer before Ty went to college and their delicate relationship bubble popped and everything became all too real.

Seeing as she wasn't hard pressed to get to work, she took the roundabout way, the one that passed through the park. It was a sunny day and the blossoms were in full bloom so Annie wasn't phased by the various groups of parents and kids gathered there. Her eyes, however, quickly singled out Cal, Maddie's husband. He was busy running up and down the swing set taking turns pushing his and Maddie's children, Jessica Lynne and Cole and-

Annie knew instantly who the third child, a little boy, belonged to. She stopped short and did nothing but stare for a moment. By the time she had composed herself enough to make the decision to quickly turn around and go the other direction, Cal had already seen her. He waved at her from a few yards ahead and turned to his kids saying, "Look who it is!"

Seeing as Maddie was basically a second mother to Annie, she had always been close with her children. Of course there was Ty, but she had been, and still was, close friends with Kyle. She had babysat Katie from the time she was 2 and extended Maddie the same favor for Jessica Lynne and Cole whenever she could. They adored Annie like she was part of the family, which, after all these years, she pretty much was.

Jessica Lynne and Cole had taken to bouncing excitedly and calling her name, so she slowly made her way over to them. The two crashed into her with a hug as soon as she was in range, but Annie's eyes locked onto Trevor, who was still in his swing just behind Cal. He was close enough she could see his eyes, and she recognized them instantly.

Same clear, piercing blue as his dad's. She would know them anywhere.

She unwravelled herself from the kids and stood to face Cal. He gave her a grin and wrapped her in a big hug. She had to admit, it took her a long time before she could see him as just Maddie's husband and not Ty's coach or her 11th grade history teacher. They broke apart and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Trevor move to stand up inside of the baby swing. He was trying to get himself out, Annie assumed, and unsuccessfully so. He wobbled back and forth, losing his balance.

Annie rushed in front of him and plucked him out of the swing before he or Cal had even registered the impending fall. Cal's eyes widened and his hand covered his mouth.

Annie looked at him and grinned, "Don't worry, I won't tell if you don't."

He shot her a grateful look and replied, "When there's three of them and one of you, you're stretched a little thin. Especially at my age." Cal was constantly cracking jokes about his age even though he hadn't even broken 50. Cal walked over and tickled Trevors belly. "And especially when there's one as rambunctious as he is."

Trevor let out a shriek and pressed himself closer to Annie. Annie felt her whole body stiffen. Snatching Trevor away from danger had felt natural and she'd done it without a second thought. Now that she was here, holding Tyler's son in her arms and joking with Cal, the shock and panic had set in. The birth of this child had torn her life apart. His very existence had caused her more pain than she'd ever experienced and yet, as his arms were wrapped around her neck and he giggled into her ear she couldn't find an ill feeling to be felt towards him. He was just a little boy. It wasn't his fault. It was suddenly too much for Annie. She quickly put Trevor down on the grass and stepped back.

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