chapter 1 - The Oletus Manor

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Rage ignites the spark and dissipate the smog. It also makes gentlemen repent of their sins before they crumble to dust. Love. Happiness. The hope and the pride. I wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for this sport. And yet, when I was brought here, I finally realized that these gentlemen just need a suitable toy for fun. The funny thing is that they themselves were far from "gentlemanly". All they craved was our submission and servitude. The searing heat seemed to warn me. Stop being nice to everyone. I need a new identity. I want to go home. This may be the only place where there is still hope.

/ganjis backstory , just a refresh.

No ones POV ;

This manor... will this "Manor" really help him get home? He thought as he sat alone in his room. What is this place, some sort of fancy hotel? how is this going to help him get home and gain a different identity, he would think. Occasionally these people would welcome him to the manor, these people were not regular people; They were outcasts, different, and strange. Did they come here for the same reason too? If not, why are they here and why were they so friendly, for the most part.

Ganjis POV ;

But there was this one girl... i think her name was emma, she had dark hair , green eyes, and freckles that would trace along her rosy cheeks. It was not her appearance that stuck out to me, No... it was what she had said when she came into the room i had been staying in. "Why hello there! You must be the new "survivor" no?" I had looked at her, confused but just trying to get her to leave sooner. "what? Sure." i said to her in an annoyed tone. "Welcome to the oletus manor! Everyone is super excited to meet you, ill go see if i can find out when your first match is!" She said as walked out. Matches? Survivor? What is this some sort of game?

No ones POV

A game he was right, as he was given a schedule by that same rosy cheeked girl not too long from then. "And what is this?" He said looking at this paper schedule he was handed. "Ahh! You must not know hm?" She looked up at him. "Know what? Am I supposed to be doing something?" He said as she almost looked ecstatic to explain. Explain she did , whilst ganji sat there and listened puzzled and confused. "And thats all! Oh and you may never leave."

Ganji POV;

What... never get out? I thought, this was supposed to be how i got home. This was not my home, this was some old dusty manor filled with even more caucasian people than i was around before.(LMFAOOOO) apparently i had a worried expression along my face because shortly after the girl spoke, "oh don't worry! You never know!" She walked out of my room and shut the door. Where am i? When do i get to go home? Why am i being dragged into some— torture game? Hunters... are they like us just bad? And what if they're huge? This cant be happening, at least not right now.

No ones POV;

Ganji kept thinking about it, couldn't get it out of his mind. Is this really where he would stay? It'd be better than where he was before but what sort of thing did he get himself into? He proceeded to think about it for hours tossing and turning in his bed. At this point it was turning day, he finally managed to fall asleep.

It was the next day, from what windows weren't blocked off there was daylight emerging into his room. He got up from his bed and stared at the schedule, apparently he had a match in a few hours. He started to retrace everything Emma has told him about what to do, he wasnt sure if he was ready. Apparently he was teamed up with; acrobat, Gardener, and Enchantress.

Ganjis POV;
i groaned as i took my eyes off the schedule and sat back down on my bed, first match what could go wrong I said to myself sarcastically. They should really have a better place if theyre kidnapping people and forcing them to do some sort of— sport. i know all the basics, i think ill do fine i said to myself doubtfully. "just do "ciphers" and dont get caught, got it."

I still haven't explored or met anyone outside of my room, maybe I should go downstairs whilst everyone supposedly is awake and around. I slipped on my clothes and headed down long stairs down to the main room. Everyone here had seemed very well known to each other or sitting alone occupied with something. I made my way to one of the tables and sat down, not expecting anyone to come up to me. a few minutes later I was greeted by a friendly male who went by the name "lucky guy" what sort of name was that? I thought to myself. "hello! you must be ga-in-gie, right?" he mispronounced my name so bad it made me almost cringe. "its gan-gie, ganji gupta." the guy almost looked embarrassed, poor dude. "OH, I'm so sorry!!! you've got to forgive me I'm not the best at pronouncing names." i shrugged "uh huh." almost sounding annoyed. "Well um!! I'm really excited to meet you! i heard your first match is not to long from now right?" I looked up at him "yeah, why?" "nothing! just hm... first match and your matched with acrobat, he sure is a handful in matches"  I looked at him with a confused look, "is he bad?" I worried. "No no! just very- energetic that's all! I'm sure you'll win!" He walked off cheerfully as he did when he walked over. Lucky guy huh, wonder what's keeping him all happy.   

No ones POV;

Ganji felt almost sick as time flew by and it was 10 minutes before the match, he couldnt stop thinking about the acrobat. what's so bad about him? he thought if anything he'll break a leg, literally.

Those 10 minutes went by fast, as it had already been time to head to the match table. He swiftly walked his way over hoping he wouldn't be late. He walked in and took a seat at the table with white tablecloth over it, there were 5 seats although one of them were broken. Ganji became concerned why no one else was there yet, he started to stare at his hands in nervousness. Footsteps could be heard coming towards the area, followed by two female voices. This was Emma and Patricia, they were both chatting and laughing as they sat down. "Hey! cant believe you got here before us, haha." Patricia said in a joking tone. Ganji looked embarrassed as he had wished he would've came late instead. "Hey! no worries man, i was just kidding around! Its better than not being here at all." She said trying to make him feel better. He laughed it off as there were footsteps coming towards the room again. In came a blonde male in a weird costume almost like a clown, with a white ruffled collar and colorful diamonds on his outfit. On his face freckles traced his cheeks and his eyes were different than the other.  

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