Case 13- The Answer

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Nicholai's POV

"Then, will you believe me if I told you everything?" I heard someone talking near the school entrance. I hid for a while and let them talk, I know it's Kyle and the other guy Lucas maybe they are talking about their undercover too.

"Whoa, what are you talking about both?" I feel my whole blood rush up to my head when I heard familiar voice, I peeked from the angle I am hiding right now, yeah, it's right, my idiot twin sister cut off the conversation. I casually walk in front of them and was about to pass them when Lette called me.

"Lai! Kyle and Lucas are talking something, I am wondering what would it be." She said while munching some biscuits.

"Yeah, and I was about to listen when you cut them off." I whispered.


"Nothing, so what did you found out?"

"Ah they did not say anything, they also avoided my gaze. Hmm I smell something rotting huh." She spoke.

"Of course, they will not tell you anything, idiot."

"Ah right! I called Jas yesterday because I stumbled upon some component called Conium."

"So, what did she say?"

"She said it's from flowers used to treat respiratory illnesses, so I'll ask some of her classmates if they know something." She said then walk confidently.

"Hey!" she instantly looked at me.

"You're a nerd, right? Who'll gonna talk to you?" I saw her eyes widen.

"Then why did you give me that character? I hate you Nicholai!" she shouted and again, every student at the grounds looked at us.

"What are you looking at? Want me to cut your eyes out?" she said while acting like she's about to beat everyone. I just laugh on how she approaches anyone standing her way.

"Nicholette!" I called her. This time everyone looked at us again.

"What?" she flatted respond to me while still walking.

"Nicholette Ascania, you're my twin, right? Wait for me!" she automatically looked back and gazed me like what in the hell am I talking about. Again, everyone talks and gossips about us, I don't mind, she's my sister after all.

Nicholette's POV

I can't believe Lai blown out my undercover, now everyone keeps on talking to me like I am not the nerd yesterday. Ugh.

"Hi Nicholette, I didn't know you're Lai's sister.

"Yeah, unlucky me I know it." I just said to him. Some thugs kept on approaching my place and I don't want their attention.

"I didn't know she's your sister."

"Again, I sai—"


"Sorry if I asked." He spoke.

"No, it's okay. I thought some guys talk to me again."

"So, I guess I am not "some guys"?" he asked. What a flirt.

"We're friends, we talked right?'

"Ah yeah, friends. Anyway, I want to ask something."

"And what would that be?"

"How did your mother die?" I want to doubt my ears on what he said to me.

"What did you say?"

"I am wondering how your mother died, that's all." He casually said.

The Twin DetectivesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon