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Whenever a journey starts generally it has,

Curiosity about the holding of path.

Concern about the placing steps with virtues.

Concentration about tackling with hardships.

But won't it be better if we have,

Calmness of accepting all gettings.

Confidence of our virtues won't lose their existance.

Cherishing with compassion.

Life is too short. It's a well known fact. But if you cherish life with spirit of love then in each moment you will get feelings like living many eras each together.

Emotions are just like white color. White color mingles with Features of all colors smoothly. It loses it's original nd seen existance. But still it's base existance has it's recognition. Like this you will get emotions for you in the same way you give input in form of your saying nd doing.

Emotions can be modified nd reshaped. But their basic traits don't vanish completely. If you reshape an emotion in a positive way then try to win the previously existed negativity rather than defeating it. Bcoz you have chance of a counter attack from your defeated side but if you win then that side would remain dedicated to you always. Defeat has surrender while winning has submission.

There can be tricks in surrender. But in submission there's only pure form of selflessness. So try to earn submission in your favor rather than surrender.

Our conscience do analysis.

Heart gives guidance.

Mind wanna take the reigns of decision.

Analysis is inevitable in each step, in each matter. But when analysis becomes judging,it loses it's virtues. Analysis refers to derive positive essence for our selves. But when you form option about a person just by knowing the fact rather than realizing it, it's called judging. This judging can easily take you out from the area of your conscience. So take care about the decency of your analysis always.

We believe our heart a lot. We hear to our heart. We should also. But mostly we don't consider the true saying our hearts. Sometimes in dual of our heart nd wantings won't we prefer our wantings ? Won't we let anger  to lead us on the path of hatrednss blindly?

Mind which always wanna have supremacy in decision, don't let it to suppress your heartily feelings in name of logic nd being practical. Emotions sometimes seem weird. But don't underestimate their values. Bcoz they possess all capacity to bring remarkable changes. So communicate with them in friendly nd try to understand.

I have come to all of you to make you analyze, to make you find, to make you realize the truth through my narration nd questions. Now my has become over. Now it's time for me to take my leave. Hope you all consider my sayings nd would establish a harmonious environment for all different choices nd preferences.

So readers, here's the last part of this story.

Do effort to say about your overall opinion.

Hey, LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this whole work in name wellbeing of my LIFELINE.



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