Thirteen - Forgiveness?

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Y/n pov
I yawned tiredly, and stretched to freshen up myself.
Why is this bench so soft?
I yelled slightly, turning my head to see Changmin laying beside me, groaning

Oh, he must have brought me back to my room.
"Oh Y/N you must've woken up already- OH Y/N OMG IM SO SORRY!" He quickly got off the bed and his cheeks started to heat up with red.
Its the first time I've seen him that flustered, it's cute.

"Its alright, thank you for bringing me back here yesterday." I smiled warmly at him
"Are you not mad at me?" Changmin came close to me, caressing my cheeks
"I am, very, but I know there's a reason you stopped me from entering. Please let me go inside there? Hm?" I assured him.
"When you're ready. Inside, contains crucial things, related to you."
"M-me?" I asked flustered
"Yes, you, you are set to be with us. By your parents.We may be mafias, but we'll never hurt you, never." He whispered.

Am I suppose to belive that? Can I trust their words? I was hesitant, I have to find out the truth of my parents, before deciding what's next.

" I'm sorry angel, I was too rash. " Changmin hugged me
I felt warmed, after he hugged me
"It's alright." I smiled

"Cmon, almost time for dinner." Changmin sat up, holding out his hand for me.
I took his hands as he held mine as softly as he could

As we went down, the smell of freshly boiled soup took over the whole place.
"You're up?" Younghoon asked me
I nodded slightly.
"I heard what happened don't worry, we didn't mean to hurt you princess." Sunwoo smiled as he stood in front of me.
I turned to Changmin as he just smiled sheepishly.

Author's pov
After everyone settled on the dining table, everyone started feasting on their meal, it was a tough day, especially for Y/n.

" Y/n? " Someone said her name, turning her head at where she heard the voice.
"Today will be the 2nd day of training." Jacob spoke. "We'll train and evaluate you for a week, then maybe, maybe your set to go on simple missions with us."
"Hyunjae, Juyeon and I will be training you today."

"We saw your accuracy, but we need to test your strength today." Juyeon spoke, sipping on his juice.

Y/n couldn't help but admire his perfectly angled jawline, shaped as if in perfection, wearing his V-necked sweater, and hair slightly messy.
She gotta admit, they are hella handsome, as much as she would like to fall in love as if in a romance movie, she needs her guard up. Well, obviously because she's living with 11 mafia boys who are world widely known as a 'mafia' group.

Breakfast soon finish, and Y/n went back to her room, changing and preparing for the traning later. She tries to find positivity in all these that's happening, telling herself it would benefit her, being able to train. Strength that word lingers in her head, after what Juyeon had said.

She never really showed much of her strength and skills in a long time, there was no need anyways.

Y/n walked out the door, stumbling into the hallways meeting Haknyeon.
"Hey, to the traning room you go." Haknyeon motion her to move quickly slightly pushing the girl.

They both reached the room, presented by Juyeon punching the punching bags, whileas Hunjae and Jacob were just chatting.
The three smiled upon the presence of the girl. Haknyeon stayed in the room, intending to watch them practice.

"Alright today, we will be mainly focusing on traning your strength, and testing how strong you are. Only then we will know wheather you are capable." Jacob clasped his hands, standing up.

The three boys prepared their gears as they handed Y/n her boxers.
The three taught her basic hits and dodges needed to fight. It was hard at first, but she'd gradually cope with what they were teaching her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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