Chapter Nineteen: Sloane's POV

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TW: Graphic Depictions of Murder & Body Disposal

I lay in my bed, staring at the bunk above me. I've been locked up for two months and the view is getting old. I can't wait to go back to my real life of hotel suites with plush bedding and views of oceans or city lights. I flip to my side and see the newspaper clippings on the wall that I've collected. There's one of Dr. Reid leading a serial rapist into the Los Angeles police station, another of him talking to the press, as well as a profile piece on him for Cal Tech's alumni issue of their university's magazine.

He's been consuming my thoughts more and more, ever since he helped me get a reduced sentence, even if it wasn't his intention. I always questioned if he actually liked me or if he was just trying to get close to me for the case. But after Dallas, I know for certain that he likes me, at least a little bit.

The way he looked at me when he was on the stand, how he struggled to keep his eyes off me. His look of worry when he heard how long I would be locked up. It all points to him actually caring about me. But that doesn't mean I fully trust him either. He is still a federal agent after all.

I'm not entirely sure if my new found infatuation with him is due to me actually having feelings towards him, or if it's because I haven't gotten any male attention in four months.  I suppose it could be a little of both. But never the less, I'm not going to let this school yard crush sabotage my plans. He still views me as the prime suspect in the missing persons investigation and I simply cannot have that.

I get up and walk towards the day room so I can write my letter. I've been writing him a letter once a week since I got here and Tim used his hacking skills to get me his personal address so I can send them directly to him. He hasn't written back to me yet, but I anticipated that. As an FBI agent, it wouldn't look good to be in correspondence with an inmate that you assisted putting into prison. It's all part of my plan. I sit down in my usual seat and start writing.

Dearest Spencie,

Do you miss me yet? You haven't seen me since my sentencing, but I like I've told you before, I'm doing okay and I will get through this. I'm a lot tougher than I appear to be, but you already know that.

How's the case of the missing men going? I gained computer privileges and read online that two more who fit your victimology went missing a few weeks ago. Have you finally realized that I'm not your unsub? I mean, how could I be responsible for this when I'm behind bars?

It's quite easy, actually. You just can't do it without a loyal partner. The BAU may have profiled that I was too controlling to ever allow another person to be involved, but they couldn't be more wrong. While I did commit a majority of the murders by myself, I'm not afraid to ask for help. I have a friend named Nathan Graham, who is in a similar line of work to me, that was happy to assist.

He's a professional Dom but unlike me, he does fuck his clients. He and I met one night in Los Angeles two years ago when we were scoping out new clients at a five star hotel's bar. We got to talking and while he may be dominant with his clients, I have had him wrapped around my finger from the moment we met.

The first time I called him to assist after a murder, he was understandably shaken. But after he learned what the son of a bitch tried to do, he was more than willing to help. He and I started aligning our travel schedules, just in case I ever needed him. He's assisted me on multiple occasions, but only when I knew I wouldn't be able to get away with it alone. For example, with Gregory Baker in Chicago.

Gregory invited me back to his apartment after our dinner. He instructed that I go through the back entrance, where there are no cameras, to avoid any suspicion from his neighbors / doorman. But when he pressed me up against the kitchen counter and forced a kiss on my lips, I grabbed a knife out of the block on the counter, pushed him off me and slit his throat. Blood spewed everywhere, all over the counters, floor and me. That I could handle but the real problem was that I had to figure out how to dispose of the body.

I mean, for all of my other kills, I wasn't in the heart of a major city so I had the privacy and space to dispose of these bastards. I called Nathan, told him that I needed him to meet me and to go through the back entrance too. He came over immediately and he's actually the one who suggested that we dismember the body. I guess he learned how to do it from some gangster movie because he was able to dissect Baker limb from limb within an hour.

During that time, I cleaned the scene. Baker had major OCD and his apartment perpetually smelled of bleach, hydrogen peroxide, and a tobacco and vanilla candle that he bought in bulk. I scrubbed the kitchen clean, twice for good measure, before cleaning myself up. I took a shower, getting all of his blood off my skin, and threw my dress in its own bag, separate from all of the body bags. After taking one of Baker's button ups and styling it as a dress, I cleaned the shower and tub, removing all of the blood and possible fingerprints.

Nathan had left with the multiple trash bags containing Baker's severed parts. I told him to toss them in different dumpsters all over the city, spacing them out at least every five miles. I finished cleaning and took a few of his Rolex watches, cash, and a few more dress shirts and pants. That way, when his assistant came looking for him, she might think that he left town. I also snagged a couple of the candles, even though Gregory Baker was an absolute creep doesn't mean that these amazing smelling candles should go to waste.

After I was sentenced, I called Nathan because I knew if no men went missing while I was locked up, then Spencer's suspicion of me would continue to grow. I asked him to do me a favor and he followed through. He abducted two men who were a known rapists / creeps in our professional circle and took care of them. I don't know the details but I look forward to finding out once I'm back on the outside.

I might get out soon. My lawyer said that I could be released early due to overcrowding. Wouldn't that be amazing? I would be able to see you again, and maybe we could do a redo on our last date? I would really like that. I've been re-reading Jane Eyre this week and I'm reminded of why I love it so much. I relate to Jane, trying, and failing, to find love. I feel the way Jane is wanting to when I'm with you. You make me feel valued and seen, Spencer, even with all of my baggage. I hope I make you feel the same. I look forward to seeing you soon!



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