《°•"Our Soldier, Our Lover"•°》

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[Read this chapter by using these: "Serif, And Dark Mode"

《※Valley Twins X Wasteland Soldier!Reader※》


Narrator's POV

You were walking in the valley portal just to visit "them" and it was the valley twins

The twins had a huge crush on you

They keep bugging you to visit their realm so that they could get closer and get more attention

Although there was major fighting when you're not around [Like seriously, siblings are siblings]

You finally arrived at their place, making you let out a small annoyed groan when you saw them going outside of it

"Okay we meet again, im gonna leave for errands"

"But you just got here and then you're leaving!?" Sah shouted

"Listen.. I have a huge job to do back at wasteland right now and I need to fufill it." You responded with an angry look

"Why are you so serious about it?"

"Its because of my "past reasons".. And i dont want to talk about it right now."

"Then we can talk about it in private" "Wait wha!?-" Mek grabbed your arm and ran with you and sah


Your POV

Okay now i have ended up in this situation. I have a lot of explaining to do when i get back to tsadi..

"So what was your past like?" Mek asked me

"Okay.. Since nobody is around but us.. I guess i can tell you my past.."

"Story time!" Sah shouted a bit and grabbed a pillow from his bed and hugged it and sat back down

"Okay.. So i wasnt born from my mother, i was adopted, She really did care about me, until..

She decided to send me away..

My young self was so clueless but innocent.."


"Mother? Why are my clothes in my bag?"

"Sweetie.. You're so innocent and adorable.. But can you do me a favor?"

"Sure! What is it?"

"You just have to walk to the wasteland temple and find a soldier then tell the elder to take you in there.. Got it?"

"I get it.. But what if a krill spots me?"

"Hide in the rocks or caves as possible.. No single krill can spot you there"

"Okay.. Mother, but when will i see you again?"

"I dont we can meet right now.."

"Okay mother.. I wont let you down!"

"Thats my little girl.." She gave me a hug before i go

I went away from my mother.. Never looking back until i get to the temple..

I walked so far away from my home until i reached it

I found a soldier and told them to let me pass through and memorized what my mother said to me

They took me inside and placed me infront of the elder himself..

"Why is a child doing here in the temple?"

"She told me to come and see you"

"Then let her speak"

"My mother told me to come and see you!"

"Why would she send you here?"

"Its because of some reasons she told me"

Tsadi realized that my mother sent me away for safety since krills are heading to a diffrent place thats near me and her home

Alas. He took me in until i grew

He also trained me to become a strong soldier

Tsadi raised me pretty well like my mother did..

When i got older, he was ready to tell me everything what happend when i was little

"Why your mother sent you away.. Its for survival.. Just for you.."

"What do you mean?"

"Your mother.. Shes gone.."


"Is this a joke..?"

"Its not.."


End of flashback

"And thats what happend in my past.." I finally finished the full story of my own past

"Im sorry that happend to you.." Mek then hugged me, so as sah

"Thank you.. I appriciate that.."

When it was time for me to go, i said goodbye to them and thanked them again for undertanding and listening to my past

Narrators POV

6 months had already passed, the twins decided to confess their feelings to you

They invited you to the village of dream's ice rink which was the perfect place for their confession [Also the perfect place for the other spirits to secretly watch it like a drama lol]

"______ you're finally here"

"Sorry i was busy" you sweatdropped in embarrasment

"We wanted to tell you something, "Important"..." One of them said

"Me and sah had these "feelings" when we are around somone..."

"And technically we had a crush"

"Oh, then who is it?"

They were panicking mentally at this point, not knowing what to say next

"Okay im going to tell you"



They were ready for a rejection until

"I.. Feel the same way.." you said blushing

"Really?!" Both of them said in unsion

"Yeah..! Really..!"

"Then can we hug you again?"

"Of course you idiots!" you opened your arms to them and they hugged you

"Im so happy.." Sah said

"Me too.." You responded

*Cue both of you and the twins hearing crying noises and cheering in the background*


[Well! I hope you enjoyed this slight angst but romantic chapter!]

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