Group Chat

933 19 16

[ What it's like to be in a group chat with 5 weird ass men *not a story* )

Chat:  Weird Ass Bitchesss

Bakerhazza: Louis you arse! You fukin left the tv on,now paul is blaming me!

HotAssLoueh: hey! Why 're blaming me?! Niall was the last one in the living room

MalabamiBadBoy:  Can You Two Shut Up?

ChurchBoy: @y/n your name is so boring! Change it

Y/n: Can you boys just shut up I'm trying to relax?!

HotAssLoueh changed Y/n 's Nickname To TheHulk

TheHulk: I swear to god louis if you don't change my name i will rip all of your underwear

MalabamiBadBoy: Ooh~ she's gonna turn green

TheHulk Changed HotAssLoueh 's  Nickname To DumbAndDumber

DumbAndDumber: Hey! My name was so cool! You're just jealous cause i have a thick ass

ChurchBoy: @bakerhazza these weirdos are freaking annoying

Payno: I swear to gawd,niall,if you ate my chips i will end you

TheHulk: #JustPayne

ChurchBoy Left The Group

MalabamiBadBoy: Hey Hulk,Can you add him back to the group?

TheHulk: Shut Uppp

Bakerhazza: Someones In A Bad Mood

DumbAndDumber: Y/f/n i swear to my juicy,thick,delicious,scrumchous
ass did you eat all of the Bananas

TheHulk: Yeah,I Did. So what? What ya gonna do about it BooBear

MalabamiBadBoy: HAHA she called you BooBear

Bakerhazza Changed DumbAndDumber 's Nickname to BooBear

BooBear: Why would you eat them?! I wus goin' to slap them at liam's face!

Payno: Why is it always me who gets slapped?

TheHulk Changed Payno 's Nickname to JustPayneNoLiam

Bakerhazza:  Who the fuk took all the eggs?!

BooBear: Oh Yeah,Me and niall thought it would be funny to throw the eggs at Y/n's Car

TheHulk: What the fuck did you do to my baby?!

MalabamiBadBoy: Heyyy,I thought we were your babies

JustPayneNoLiam: #cringe

BooBear: You'll See When Ya' Get Home

MalabamiBadBoy Added Niall Horan To The Group

MalabamiBadBoy: You're Welcome,Now excuse me..I gotta some...push ups

Bakerhazza: Push ups?

TheHulk: So no one told him how i found a twix bar under his bed and a bag of doritos on his closet?

BooBear Changed Niall Horan 's Nickname to NiallerNoBootey

JustPayneNoLiam: Guys! I found out that harreh ate three burgers two hours ago and didn't even tell us!

TheHulk: What The Fuck Harry?!

BooBear: I swear to my thick ass ,why didn't you give us some?!

NiallerNoBootey: HEY! And you know how i love food

Bakerhazza Left The Group

Part 2?


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