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Day 10
"Jungwon's not the guy who he seems to be, and i'm just warning you right now"

Jake's words started to ring around her head, all night the only thing she could think about was the argument the two of them had the previous day.

Little by little, his words started to eat her up because she had thousands for questions that had no specific answer.

"What sort of drama did they have?"

"Why didn't Sunghoon say anything about their drama?"

"What if Jungwon is actually a different person than he seems to be?"

"Is Jake just jealous of him?"

She kept thinking about all the possible answers to the answers to these questions until someone snapped her back to reality.

"y/n, what's up with you?" Minju snaps at her making her look up from the book that she's been staring at, "yeah? what? nothing?"

Minju, Jay and Karina furrowed their eyebrows together while they stare at her, "you've been staring at a science book for 10 minutes and your eyes haven't moved a single bit" Jay throws back at her as he starts to stare her down in confusion.

y/n stayed silent for a while, "should I tell them?" she thought for a while, "y/n?" the two of the whisper yelled at her.

"I'm gonna be honest with you guys right now okay?"

The three friends tensed up because they had no idea what y/n was about to tell them.

"Jake told me that he likes Yuna and he has feelings towards her, which is why I took a step back from him" y/n confessed feeling her heart sink the more and more she speaks.

"I didn't tell you guys because I honestly thought everything would actually eventually get better? Which it did at one point actually! Honestly thought he started to somewhat like me, you know? But yesterday we got into an argument because Sunghoon introduced me to a guy called Jungwon-"

"Oh! I know Jungwon!" Jay suddenly says cutting her off which resulted in Minju glaring at him, "Shut it Jay"

"Anyways- After the game, Jake and I both argued because he was saying that Jungwon's not the guy he seems to be and all that" y/n rants as she starts to doodle on the side of her book.

"Wait?" Karina suddenly says with an annoyed tone.

"So basically? This has happened about a week ago and you didn't feel the need to tell us?" y/n's head snapped and turned straight to Karina as she felt her heart drop.

"Karina calm down? I didn't wanna tell you guys just because I didn't want you guys to worry and stuff? I didn't say anything cause I didn't wanna ruin the fun you know? You guys dared us to "date" for two weeks and I did not want you guys to be disappointed that the dare ended fast"

Y/n tried her hardest to give them an explanation but she could tell that Karina was not having it.

"Well in my opinion y/n, I think we deserved to know because at the end of the day, we are the ones who gave you the dare" Karina said with a cold tone to her voice staring at her while Minju and Jay stayed silently exchanged glances with wide eyes.

"Well i'm sorry then if that's how you feel, I just don't want you guys to be disappointed it ended bad" y/n then spits back at the girl who was now annoyed.

"I actually have to get going to my next class, I have some advice for you y/n. Maybe next time you should tell the your best friends that something has gone wrong instead of keeping it a secret cause we can actually help you."

And with that Karina stared to gather her things and made her way out of the library where the four of them had been studying at for the past hour.

"Karina! Come on, wait a second" Minju called out trying to regain Karina's attention which only resulted in her being ignored, "Karina!"

"Thanks Minju, but it's fine. I guess she has a point and i'm in the wrong here" y/n says as she sighs loudly, "are you guys mad?" she says awkwardly hoping for the best.

"I completely understand where you're coming from y/n" Minju says with an understanding tone while she moves towards y/n and gives hugs her a nice warm hug.

"And you Jay?" Jay raises his brows and blinks a few times, "me? oh i understand your point of view, but I also understand her point of view" he explains sipping on the small juice box in his hand.

"Besides, the dramas hot right now and i'm here for it" The boy says with full excitement causing Minju and y/n to laugh.

y/n sat beside Sunghoon while he scrolls through his phone avoiding the pile of work that was stacked in front of him. "you okay?" he asks her while she only responded with a nod and a slight yeah.

"Are you sure?" she nods her head again but this time she tried her hardest not to shed a tear but was about to miserably fail. "yup"

"nope, spill it out" he says in a soothing tone knowing something was wrong, and before she knew it, she was ranting her feelings to Sunghoon while he kept her warm in his embrace.

Right at that moment she felt as if Sunghoon was the only person in the world and that's when she felt all the butterflies fluttering.

hi guys!
how had everyone been, i hope you guys are doing great, sorry for the long wait but here i am again. also i've been wanting to ask y'all something, should y/n date sunghoon? if yes then pls tell me!
thanks for reading <33

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