🌸 || Unlikely Pairing || Yosaflame - 《R》

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[ Requested by luckyclover___!

It's super short ahhhh sorry 🙏😖, hope ya like it anyways!]


Cold ruby eyes scanned the vast blue sea. The Demon held an authoritative air, eyebrows knitted together whilst impatiently tapping his foot on the hard surface of the rock he stood on. Yosaflame sighed for the umpteenth time that evening as worry slowly manifested in the depths of his usually composed mind.

'They should've been here half an hour ago...' A deeper frown found its way on his lips, "C'mon, (Y/n)... Where in Kcalb's name could you be?"

It was common knowledge that the respected Demon would suddenly disappear in the evening only to be found smiling near the sea late at night. To whom it was directed no one knew, but most were quick to speculate the man had a secret lover native of another town. After all, Yosaflame rarely showed an ounce of emotion other than irritation.

As the days of his sudden disappearances continued, one courageously asked the question and was met with a brief "Yes" from the man. However, Yosaflame held back his tongue, adamant that their identity should not be revealed, though that soon changed, without warning really, when the Demon hesitantly opened up about the whole ordeal.

(Y/n), a name he often mumbled to himself, was an orca.

Surprisingly, his colleagues weren't as conflicted as he thought they would be. Rather, Yosaflame was met with relieved sighs, especially from Kcalb, a close friend and the Devil he devotedly followed, who too thought for the worst, afraid he had gotten in a secret relationship with an Angel. Alas, the truth was finally out, albeit begrudgingly, all thanks to a certain orca pushing him to fess up. Yosaflame remembered their angry yet adorable pout when he continued to refuse their suggestion, which was more of a demand in his eyes. Unable to resist their charms any further, he finally one day spoke to his fellow Demons and the situation ended as told.

The sound of waves crashing against the sandy shore was the only thing which kept him company. However, for Yosaflame it wasn't enough to remove the uncomfortable silence that surrounded him. The irony. Who knew the once lone Demon missed the warmth of companionship. He supposed independence can not be mistaken for the loneliness he was for a long time in denial of. Yosaflame let out a small smile and a sigh of relief, his stare softened at the sight of a familiar fin nearing where he stood.

The man really did change a lot during their time together. Perhaps it was because they had him infatuated with their aquatic features?

"My love... What took you so long?"

You leaped out of the waters to expose your miraculously dry suit along with the katana wrapped within your right hand. You sheathed your sword and faced the stern yet sweet gaze he gave you. Concern was evident in his crimson orbs and you couldn't help the giddy feeling bubbling inside your stomach. Said man reached out for you, hand outstretched for you to take. Of course, you accepted his invitation with a gift placed upon his lips.

Arms snaking around your waist, you felt him pull you closer into the kiss. You caressed his cheeks with your thumb before suddenly leaning back, a grin left on your face for him to see. You then decided to answer his question while twirling strands of his green hair between your fingers. "A delay, you could say." You hummed as he lovingly nuzzled your neck. "Us orcas have the need to play with our prey and, well, some just aren't able to contain themselves. I had to stay and supervize the younglings while the rest of the group had 'fun'..."

Lips against your delicate skin, you blushed at the hungry display of affection. Yosaflame was never this openly affectionate. Were you gone for that long? Did he miss you that much?! Is he punishing you- You breathlessly laughed after said Demon parted from your poor neck, giddy as hell from your thoughts. Yosaflame gave you a rather embarassed glare before staring to his left, avoiding eye contact.

"Stop that, (Y/n)..."

You gently directed his gaze back at you by lightly turning his head, softly looking into his shining eyes. No words were needed to convey the love you felt for each other, fully emerged in the little world you two shared. Foreheads touching, you stayed in each others embrace until the sun finally set, the sky slowly turning from a rich orange hue to that of a deep blue shade.

You shared another tender kiss before reluctantly saying your goodbyes. It was time to go on your seperate ways, each leaving for their home. One day, however, that would soon change and Yosaflame made sure of it.

He couldn't wait to finally call you his wife/partner for life.


[ Why did I imagine Sherbet creepily staring at them behind a tree? Boi probably thinking it would be a good ass idea to bring you up the next time he's fighting Yosaflame. Rip Sher. ]

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