First Day of Freshman Year!

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     "Freshman year here we go!" I whisper to myself in excitement as I enter the school.  I walked into the lunch room and there he was, Zach Humpfree, the guy I've liked since the beginning of last school year.  As soon as he saw me he smiled and began to waltz over to me until he was right in front of my face.  "Hey cutie, I'm glad to see you made it!"  He said while going to grab my hand.  "Well of course, how could I not!"  I said with a grin on my face.  I can't believe I've made it...

     Suddenly I'm awoken by my phone blaring in my ear telling me it's time to wake up.  I jump out of bed and through on my clothes in what feels like a matter of seconds and prance my way into the bathroom to finish getting ready.  Once I finish getting ready I run into the kitchen to grab my lunch.  After that I said goodby to my father, who is standing in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee, and head out the door to wait for the bus.  I've done this a million times before, but something about this time is different, I'm in High School! 

     The bus arrived shortly and I got into my usual seat.  I was always one of the last kids to get picked up and one of the first ones to get dropped off so it didn't take long for us to get to the school.  As the bus stopped I could to feel the excitement building up more and more right until I walked into the school.  The lunchroom was almost empty and Zach was nowhere to be found.  I quickly found a seat by myself and began scrolling through my phone.  As I sat there, scared to look up from my phone, reality began to set in as I realized the truth, I'm in High School.

The rest of the day went by in a flash.  It was mostly just teachers going over supplies and expectations.  Of course me being be I spent my time silent, thinking over all of my expectations and realizing that this is nothing like I had expected. I didn't talk to anyone until lunch when I saw Nola sitting down at a table with a bunch of girls.  As soon as she saw me she smiled and motioned for me to come sit with her. 

     Nola is my neighbor and currently the only friend I have at this school.  Thankfully we have lunch together.  She is an extreme overachiever. Get's straight A's, volunteers every weekend at the local animal shelter, does a ton of extracurriculars, and is a major environmental activist. Out of every kid at our school she is the one I would say has the best chances of getting into an Ivy League school.

     "Hey Beth, how's your first day of High School going so far?"  She asked excitedly while shoveling pasta into her mouth. 

     "As good as is can I guess..." I replied reluctantly as I began pulling my lunch out of my bag.

     "Hey, you will get used to it I'm sure, I know high school can be scary at first, but I think in time you are going to love it here!"

     "Yeah, I hope your right." After those words I stayed mostly quiet while I ate my food.  I had a lot on my mind.  Why hadn't I seen Zach yet?  Is he avoiding me?  I thought things would be different now... suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by a bell going off telling me that it's time to go back to class.

     "Ok, well bye Beth, I will see you after school, you've got this!" Nola says before walking away to head to her class in the Sophomore hall.

     "Yeah totally..." I whispered to myself as I began making my way back to my class.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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