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Heaven's Pov

I slowly opened my eyes only to found my head was banging loud like someone had hitted on it badly.. I slowly got up and clutched my hairs because it was hurting terribly until I came to my senses of what happened to me and why I was unconscious.

"Welcome to Sin's Hell, Heaven.."

His words, oh my God, who was he? Why I was here and where I was . I still didn't get a single answer but most importantly why he wanted to hurt me , what I did to him and why he still didn't hurt me..if he wanted too. ?

My eyes again turned teary but I immediately wiped them and scanned the place where I was in and it was not the same place where I had found myself last time. It was different , like someone's house more like a mansion because this room was twice the size of my room, every single thing looked expensive even the walls, tiles, ceiling everything was beyond perfect. The bed I was sitting it looked like I was in a castle but here nothing was like a dream because it was a terrible nightmare, a horrible dream which I didn't even know why I was its part.

"You're up... "

A voice spoke grabbing my attention and I saw a woman walked inside the room with a small smile on her face while holding something in her hands like a first aid kit.. Or medicines I didn't know what..

She walked towards me and placed the kit on the bed stand.

"So how are you feeling..? " She asked me but I immediately backed away because they all were monsters and may be she was disguising herself to be good.

She stood stir and watching me flinching she sighed .

"Don't worry I won't hurt you.. "

Yeah probably not yet but you would sometime. I couldn't trust any single one here, they were all bad.

"Trust me.. I won't hurt you.. I just want to check your injured knees and ankle... Heaven.. " She stated trying to be as much genuine as possible and I darted my gaze to my knees which was bandaged and my ankle, it was treated too but why... If he wanted to hurt me than why curing my pain.?

What the hell he wanted from me. ?

"Let me check it please.. " She almost requested and I didn't know why but I believed her words but I still didn't trust her so I shrugged my head.

"Wh.. Why... I am here...? Who are you..? "

She sighed again heavily hearing my question..

"My name is Irina.. And I am, you could say a doctor.. So please let me check your wound.. "

"No... " I shrugged my head again.

"Wh.. Why I am here..? "

She exhaled a deep breath and walked a little nearer to me and sat beside me making me flinched in fear..

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