chapter 1

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( Y/N Name is Wyomi btw it's just a little nickname) WHY-OH-ME

I was doing my school work when I heard the bell *RING*. I jumped at first but calmed down quickly. I went to the cafeteria to get my lunch.

Wyomi: Hey louise ( wyomi's friend)

Louise: oh hey Wyomi so do you have a crush on anyone yet?

Wyomi: pff no. Well not yet at least.

Louise: oh not yet huh?

Wyomi: oh shi* I forgot my ID. I'll be right back.

Louise: alright! Don't be late!

Wyomi: We close at 8!

Louise in her head: oml this b**ch.

* A few minutes later*

Wyomi in her head: I am most definitely going to be late.

Wyomi runs to the cafeteria only to find nobody there.

Blonde man:HEY over here.

*Wyomi turns around*

Wyomi: uh hello?

*Blonde man take off his hood*

Chishiya: I'm chishiya, I might be able to help you.

Wyomi: why would I need your help?

Y/N Fem Reader  X.   Kuina HikariWhere stories live. Discover now