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"You smell like other woman" the blonde bitch Miley said sniffing at the top of me , the shirt I wore yesterday meeting with Stella is still on me

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"You smell like other woman" the blonde bitch Miley said sniffing at the top of me , the shirt I wore yesterday meeting with Stella is still on me . I was too tired to change last night or Maybe her perfume was still in it that's why I didn't removed it ,her fragrance was giving me peace of mind .

"Just tell me , which whore is this "  she said climbing on me , I just pushed her and she fell on the ground and started crying "don't come near me , bitch "I said 

"You know what I will call the marriage off " she said standing up , she will do me a favour if she do

"What is happening here "my father's voice rang in the house as my whole body went rigid even Stella's perfume was not giving me the peace of mind right now in his presence

" Dad, look at your son , he is smelling like a another bitch" she said running to my excuse of father "Why the hell you smelling like another bitch " he said grabbing my Collar .

"Just get away from me Martino " I said , yes I call him by his name , because he don't deserve to be called. Father . His rough hand made a contact with my face ,as sound of slap echo in the empty hall .

My hand balled into fist as I wanted to punch him in the face , but I couldn't bring my self to do , just wait till I will be the heir

"You disrespectful piece of shit "he growled as he lunges towards me but Miley stopped him " it's okay dad , don't do that , he is just little ill manner like his mother " she said and I lost my control, I jumped on her , as I curled my hands around her neck and push her on sofa and climb on her " you fucking whore , how dare you to take name of my mother , from your shit mouth , you cunt"I shout as I slapped her across her face , I felt the grip of my father on me and he pull me and threw me across the floor ,he is powerful enough to throw a huge man like me .

He start kicking me in the stomach as some of the kick landed on my face Also , bastard will damage my face.

" You will never learn you piece of shit " he shouts as he kick last time In my stomach . He went to coughing Miley as he soothe her ,leaving his own son like this , I think I am just born to b suffer like this, he is the reason I am like this .

"You okay Miley my baby" he said as he hug her and pat her shoulder while she was crying , I roll on my back and started laughing, laughing on my situation laughing how my own father don't love me , how I expect anyone else to do it ?

They were watching me like a hawk .must be thinking I finally lost the last brain cell of mine

I was just laughing, laughing like a crazy manic . My fits of laughter broke by the ringing of my phone . I pull out it and it was showing unknown number

I put the phone on my ear

"hello !!" Her sweet voice entered my ears and it worked like a painkillers , my pain went down " Alwar , you listening" she said , I wanted to talk but my mouth was a way to hurt to open it .

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