2 - The Males

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"Fuck, bro. I'm so fucking sorry." Conner wipes his face, rubbing so hard that his skin starts to look a little raw. The ends of his fingers are black, claws that just won't retract all the way. He's lost so much weight. He looks gaunt, hollowed out, and empty. "I don't even really remember how I got home last night. Fuck." He looks at me, his eyes haunted and wary.

I swallow everything down. My pride, my hurt, my confusion. Georgina cheated on me. She sucked Conner's dick last night after we dropped him off at home. He was wasted. He's been wasted every day after that cunt rejected him. Last night he was really done in, though. His birthday, but what does he have to celebrate? At least, that's what he said.

"It's not your fault," I choke out. I want to offer him a slap on the back, even a hug, but I can't bring myself to touch him. It's not his fault. I know this male wouldn't betray me like this if he had his shit together. Georgina... she knew what she was doing.

Everything in our group of friends was perfect just two-and-a-half months ago. Georgina and I were together, fucking finally. Conner was the strongest alphason in the region. Sarj, Conner, and I were shaping up to be a powerhouse. ClearHowl was skyrocketing to the top.

The only black spot was Braxton and his dead mate, but Braxton hardly ever hung with us anymore. He prefers his own company. It was easy to forget about him.

Now, everything has gone to shit. The entire world is ass-backward and I don't know how to even begin to fix it.

A fog descends over my eyes. Georgina's face swims through my vision. Her red-painted lips match the dress she's wearing perfectly. Long blonde hair that I love to wrap around my fist while we fuck are matched by the long legs that wrap around my waist. She's the perfect female. Gorgeous, smart, loyal.

My wolf whines a fearful pitch. I frown. He's never acted this way before. Georgina's bright blue eyes fill with tears as she clings to us while my wolf howls and scratches. "He's the future alpha, Sean," she explains. "I can't resist his pull."

It's all bullshit. She's unmated, not MateLess. She can resist. She resisted for years until she knew that he was rejected by his truemate. As soon as a higher rank became available she wasted no time in throwing herself at him.

I shudder, my heart twisting as I shed her touch. What will I do now?

All of the air is punched from my chest. Grey eyes stare at me in absolute scorn from the silvery, subtle beauty of a she-wolf. I'm mesmerized. Her shimmering grey fur matches those eyes. They glare at me hatefully before the female turns and saunters off, giving me her back, her tail held high in a clear insult.

My wolf goes berserk. I snarl and lung, tackling the female to the dirt and cutting off her cry of surprise with my fangs in her soft jugular. Blood wells and gushes over my teeth, coating my tongue. The warm liquid of the female's life gushes into my mouth and flows down my throat. It's the sweetest nectar. My wolf howls happily at the taste of ambrosia.

The she-wolf goes limp under our teeth.

I pull away, horror-struck, as those grey eyes glaze over. It is a scene of soul-crushing horror. Her throat is ripped open to her spine. I am covered in her blood. It soaks my naked skin, coats my hands, my face, my hair. I hold her body tight to me as she shifts from paws to feet. She is nude, thin and pale, and even more exquisitely ethereal in this form.

The earth below us drinks up her blood greedily. I hold her as tightly as I can, but nothing stops her body as it shrivels up in my arms.

I try to say her name, but nothing comes out. I can't say her name. The female in my arms doesn't respond to my silent cries of help. My wolf is screaming in anguish, but I can't make a sound. Laughter echoes in my ears, a female's harsh amusement as my world dies in my arms.

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