The search for bubbles

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Chapter 3:The search for bubbles

So far in the story bubbles has gone deep, deep into the woods and has found a house for her to stay in. meanwhile blossom and buttercup are still fighting, but when they are told to tell bubbles it's time for dinner, they realize that bubbles is missing. *Just a little refresher (: *

Bubbles: okay if I'm going to stay here for a while I might as well decorate it! -Decorates house- much better! Now time to unpack! - Goes into a room and starts unpacking-

Mean while at the powerpuff girls home...


Professor: WHAT? -Starts freaking out- Where could she have gone? Are you sure you girls have checked everywhere?

Blossom: yes we have looked everywhere! She's nowhere to be found. Right buttercup?

Buttercup: yea, yea.

Blossom: -gives buttercup a look- professor we NEED to find bubbles.

Professor: we will look for her in the morning. It's going to be dark soon. Now let's go eat some dinner.

At bubbles house....

Bubbles: there! All done packing! Doesn't it look nice octi?

*octi is bubbles favorite toy and she carries it everywhere with her*

Bubbles: I sure do miss the others.... I will be back there soon. I just needed time to myself and to be away from all the arguing. -Sighs- time for dinner now! Umm... what to eat... hmmm... I should go to the store and buy a pizza! I have enough money. At least for now. I will get a job soon... okay, I need to disguise myself. I'll just put my hair down for now. I'll be back octi! -kisses octi and puts him back down-

-Flies to the store-

Bubbles: okay I only have about $10 so let's see what I can buy... hmmm everything is so expensive.... Oh well I'll go back to my house for now. -Flies back to her house-

Bubbles: -opens the cabinets- -gasps- wow that's a lot of food! It wasn't here before!

after dinner...

bubbles: -yawns- I'm sleepy...-puts on pjs and stretches- good night octi... tomorrows a new day... -falls fast asleep-

more to come in the next chapter!

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